Republican Party platform on abortion shifts from 2016

    Calling itself a “forward-looking agenda,” the new Republican Party blueprint begins with a dedication to the “Forgotten Men and Women of America,” and promises to “restore common sense” and “put America first,” promises that former President Donald Trump has made...
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Ohio Flag

As Ohio Goes, so Goes the Nation?

  The pro-life movement’s Nov. 7 loss of the Issue 1 vote in Ohio was not much of a surprise to those who had been following the polling, advertising, and media coverage carefully. In fact, the loss had been, practically speaking, realized months earlier in August when a...
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The not-so-secret dangers of the abortion pill

    When abortion advocacy groups speak about medication abortion—a two-drug regimen comprised of mifepristone and misoprostol—they are quick to tout what they claim is its “stellar safety record,” going so far as to compare its use to over-the-counter medications used...
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Abortion Ads Misinform Ahead of Ohio’s Issue 1 Ballot Initiative

  Ohio’s Issue 1 ballot initiative, on which voters will decide on November 7, is already contentious enough. The proposed constitutional amendment would enshrine a right to abortion in Ohio’s state constitution and remove virtually every safeguard, including required...
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