
  Today, the desire to control—in both public and private spheres—seems to be intensifying. Consider the pandemic. When it began, the public-health establishment told us the goal was to “stop the spread,” suggesting that officials believed they could control the virus by...
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God Is At Work

The Season of Epiphany should help the Church to see God’s work in the world.  On the Epiphany of the Lord, on January 6, the Church celebrates God the Father revealing God the Son to the first gentiles (in this particular incident Wise Men from the East).  This event...
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Toughen Up

If the United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade next June (in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization), violent protests across the nation could very well surpass those that followed the May 25, 2020, killing of George Floyd. It is also likely that the fanatical...
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Saying One Thing and Doing Another

  In mid-October, I drove from my home in North Carolina to attend a board meeting of UMAction— the United Methodist desk at the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington, DC. The night before the meeting, I bunked as usual at a Motel 6 located a mile north of Union...
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Photo 27291633 / Courage © Travelling-light |

The Missing Ingredient

  We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. . . . (Ephesians...
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Photo 138160844 © Xavier Ascanio |

An Ecumenical Word on DC-Funded Abortions

    The National Pro-life Religious Council (NPRC) is a group of pro-life organizations, most of which represent denominations or are based in churches. Anglicans for Life, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod,...
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Photo 5409859 / Memorial Day © Margie Hurwich |

Memorial Day 2021

  Memorial Day is a time for Americans to remember other Americans who, to put it in idealistic terms, gave their lives in the service of freedom in this world. However, while remembering those who died for the sake of freedom, we are bound to recall others who have gone on...
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On the Storming of the Capitol: No to Political Violence. Yes to Civil Society

  The one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church strives to serve the Gospel of Life. Remember that the Gospel of Life is simply the Gospel, and that the Gospel is simply the Gospel of Life. (St. John Paul II and Rev. Richard John Neuhaus often reminded us of that.) Political...
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