Oppression in the Name of Equality

  The Equality Act (H.R.5), which attaches sexual orientation and gender identity to civil rights laws, would be devastating if implemented. Not necessarily for the church, for despite the threat to religious liberty it poses, the church will press on. The Lord has always...
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False and Faithful Witness

For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree (Mark 14:59).  The chief priests knew what they wanted to do. The problem was how to justify it. It didn’t help that the testimonies against Jesus didn’t line up. But that’s the way of false witness....
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After January 5th

The call of the church is to transcend the “myopias and smallnesses” of our present circumstances.
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About Conspiracy Theories

Psalm 83 For they conspire with one accord; against you they make a covenant (83:5).    “Conspiracy theorist” is a term thrown about much these days, usually to belittle those who believe that sometimes people engage in, well, conspiracies. Call someone a conspiracy theorist...
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Inbal Malca @iaminbaltal

After January 5th

The call of the church is to transcend the “myopias and smallnesses” of our present circumstances.
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Photo by Robert Stokoe from Pexels

Trust Not in Princes

  The LORD watches over the sojourners; he upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin (Psalm 146:9). I write this on the morning of Election Day, and therefore do not know how things will turn out. And in a way, it does not matter, for...
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A Prayer for the Vulnerable

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to pray, and we are helped by the words of others. The following is a prayer for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, taken from Psalm 35. Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with the vulnerable—children who cannot contend for...
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The Trick of Life

  Once in a while, I come across a quotation that clears away the fog and threatens to fundamentally reorient my thinking. I had such a moment recently, reading an excerpt from a letter written by a father to his 18-year-old adopted son. Here it is, taken from Gilbe...
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A Beautiful Problem

Our family has a dear friend, Hannah, a young woman in her late twenties who moved to Moscow to learn the Russian language roughly six weeks before the country went on lockdown due to COVID-19. Her host family has made her feel welcome, but neither Russian nor English is their...
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The Cost of Courage

  For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Recently, I read a column in the National Review about three missing journalists who had dared to report on the unfolding coronavirus crisis in China. The story focused on the...
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