Grand Bargaining No, Rethinking Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes Many weeks ago, I all but completed a reply to the critique that George McKenna published in the Human Life Review of “Beyond the Stalemate,” my June 21 Commonweal article, on the current state and future prospects of Catholic...
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Psychiatrists Censor Pro-Life Speech

  Many mental-health providers where I live, in Westchester County, New York, censor speech about abortion in day programs, outpatient or inpatient therapy, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, social clubs and half-way houses. I have a mental illness. I also believe strongly...
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Film Review: It’s a Girl

  It’s a Girl Directed and edited by Evan Grae Davis Produced by Andrew Brown 1:02, Shadowline Films, 2012.           “The three deadliest words in the world,” according to this documentary, are “it’s...
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A Bad Bargain: A Postscript

A Bad Bargain: A Postcript           At about the middle of September I wrote a piece on this site critical of an article in Commonweal magazine by Peter Steinfels, a writer and former editor of the magazine...
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Life Goes On . . . Thank God

  Pope Francis’s arrival on the international scene didn’t come about without a few glitches. For instance, when he warned in a recent interview that “small minded rules” could cause “the moral edifice of the Church . . . to fall like a house of cards,” his remarks were...
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2013 DINNER WELCOME to: a Sell-Out Crowd

(Maria McFadden Maffucci delivered this speech at the Human Life Foundation’s Great Defender of Life Dinner on Sept. 26, 2013,  at which Eric and Susanne Metaxas were honored.) Welcome to all our friends—I see many beloved faces here, and many new ones as well; I am so...
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All Abortion, All the Time

New Yorkers are used to listening to two AM all-news stations: WCBS and WINS. WINS’ venerable motto is “all news, all the time.”   Well, the motto of America’s abortion establishment is fast becoming “all abortion, all the time.”  That’s essentially what Jessica...
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A Bad Bargain

 A Bad Bargain In his 1858 debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln argued not for an immediate national abolition of slavery but for preventing its spread into the new territories. Lincoln understood that if slavery’s growth were arrested as the rest of the...
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The Wendy Davis Boomlet

  Back in 1968, Andy Warhol observed that everybody “will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” The latest recipient of 15 minutes of fame is Texas State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth), being lauded as gubernatorial timber (and perhaps even more) for her “epic” 1 eleven-hour...
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The Nature of Marriage Is in Nature

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