Euthanasia for Minors: The Drumbeat Continues

A Belgian website features a picture of a hospital bed with some stuffed toys on it. The picture is captioned: “the latest news on the euthanasia front (from a so-called ‘civilized’ country).”1 The image vividly captures the current drumbeat for the euthanasia of minors.2...
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Royal Baby Love

  Oh, baby! Just can’t get enough of you! After all, how many cuddly, brand-new royal kids are out there? Just one: Prince George. And does the world love him or not? Consider:  People magazine expects to sell 1.4 million copies of its “Royal Baby Joy!” collector’s issue. ...
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Why are Special-Needs Parents Fair Game?

Imagine this scenario: an acquaintance comes up to you at a function, and you exchange the usual pleasantries—how ‘s the job, the kids, etc. And then he or she says: So, how old is “your spouse,”—“50” or so?  How’s his health? Think he’ll get cancer or have high blood...
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Late Term Abortions, Politics, and Democrats

  The June 18 vote in the House of Representatives on the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” was telling—and what it told us about abortion absolutism was highly disturbing. The 228-196 vote was almost completely along party lines: If there are “Democrats for Life,”...
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          Done.  And of course there wasn’t more than the inevitable shadow of doubt – the one that hangs over all human enterprises – that the Texas Legislature was going to pass that abortion bill, as duly happened last Saturday....
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Texas Abortion Bill Moves Forward

                 The Texas Senate votes Friday or Saturday on an anti-abortion bill the House approved Wednesday, 96-49. Declares Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst: “We’re not in the filibuster range right now, and we’re going to pass th...
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Gov. Perry Puts Out the “Firebrand”

        Sorry, Wendy, it’s going to pass, and this time you probably can’t do a thing about it, pink sneakers or no pink sneakers.        Nothing probably is ever final in politics, and febrile assumptions can turn to dust; but...
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                                                                People going into nursing homes fear both loss of independence and having little to do. Some, who are literate, maintain a degree of control by devouring books. On my visits to homes as a volunteer I’ve encountered...
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            On June 13, Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack asked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the morality of late-term abortions.  His question was probably driven by the recent convictions of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell for first degree murder of...
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Welcome to the blog! Scroll down for older entries. NEW:  Wendy Davis v. Greg Abbott by William Murchison (March 7, 2014) Defining Death, Not Defining Life by John Grondelski (February 26, 2014) Double Header Blog: Sign of the Times by Donald DeMarco & Swiss Abortion...
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