HOT TOPIC: GOP Lawmakers Introduce Dignity for Aborted Children Act (National Review) The Bill mandates that abortion providers obtain informed consent from any woman who undergoes an abortion procedure, giving her the choice either to take possession of the fetal...
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HOT TOPIC: The Trump Administration’s Pro-Life Policies Winning in the Courts

As America’s beacon of commerce, New York impacts the rest of America. Therefore it is worth noting that in spite of the Reproductive Health Act’s dark victory, efforts for further radical abortion expansion in New York and America are thankfully being stymied by the Trump...
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HOT TOPIC: (USA TODAY) Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer kept thousands of dead babies but inspires little curiosity

Read it and you may literally weep:   There’s something sick in America’s abortion industry. What else would account for a doctor who collected thousands of dead babies in some kind of twisted hobby that he hid from his allegedly unsuspecting wife? Two thousand two hundred...
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HOT TOPIC: The Trump Administration Sides With Nurses Who Object to Abortion (The Atlantic)

 In a statement, a spokesperson for UVMMC wrote that the medical center “has robust, formal protections that strike the appropriate and legal balance between supporting our employees’ religious, ethical, and cultural beliefs, and making sure our patients are not denied access to...
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    “For too many years, the United States Government has wrongly permitted American taxpayer dollars to abet Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates in terminating millions of innocent unborn babies.  Federal law outright states that no taxpayer dollars...
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HOT TOPIC: Why Won’t Moderators Ask Democrats about Abortion? (National Review)   And it’s not just during debates. Mainstream reporters rarely, if ever, ask Democrats to detail their views on abortion — and when they do, the questions are usually couched in the...
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HOT TOPIC: ( Pro-Life Rep. Dan Crenshaw Demands Vote on Bill to Stop Infanticide, For the 78th Time Nancy Pelosi Refused

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) offered a unanimous consent request to allow a vote on the anti-infanticide bill but Democrats ruled it out of order. As they have done numerous times, after Democrats denied the request to vote on the bill, they cut off her microphone so she could not...
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HOT TOPIC: AMA Says ‘No’ to Physician-Assisted Suicide (Real Clear Health)   By Frederick J. White July 05, 2019 About a year ago, the Washington Post reported on the debate at the American Medical Association regarding physician assisted...
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Human Life Review

Letter From Maria, June 2019

June 6, 2019 Dear Friends,   TRUTH is on the march, and LIFE is winning! Although the stakes are lethal and the tension is high, it is more than a bit gratifying to see the pro-abortion forces in the throes of an apoplectic fit. As Christian pastor and author David Jeremiah...
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