Maria McFadden Maffucci

DSC_2711is the Editor in Chief of the Human Life Review

HOT TOPIC: We’re Not Laughing at Comedians’ Deranged Abortion Routines (Newsmax)

Hollywood stars Sarah Silverman, Michelle Wolf, Margaret Cho, and Amy Schumer have become rich and famous for their over-the-top, profane “comedy.” Since they gravitate toward anything perverse, to say their performances are “cringe-worthy” is being kind. This certainly best...
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Robert M. Patrick interview with Nat Hentoff, for the Human Life Foundation March 31, 2014

RMP:  Good Morning Mr. Hentoff, thank you for taking the time to talk about Jim McFadden and the Human Life Review. NH: Thank you for calling me. Yes, of course, I love the McFaddens. They are some of the most important people in my life. RMP:  As we discussed last week, the...
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Great Defender of Life Dinner: The Human Life Foundation Honors Nat Hentoff

  Also featuring remarks by Wesley Smith and William Murchison October 27, 2005   FAITH McFADDEN: My late husband, James Patrick McFadden, creator of the Human Life Foundation and Founding Editor of the Human Life Review would be—is, I believe—very pleased that we are...
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Winter 2006

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 2006 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 2006 Featured in this issue Mary Meehan on Lessons from the Alito Hearings Stephen Vincent on My Pro Life Life Alicia Colon on Caring for Mildred GREAT DEFENDER OF LIFE AWARD DINNER WILLIAM MURCHISON WESLEY J SMITH...
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Winter 1997

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW , WINTER 1997 the NLIFE REVIEW WINTER 1997 Featured in this issue WI'lll'am Murchl'son on oCnsensu s or Bust Robert Bork on Killing for Convenience Ellen Wilson Fielding on Jack the Reaper Special Section Europe Faces The Culture of Death Lynette...
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Fall 1995

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW , FALL 1995 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW Fall 1995 Featured in this issue William Murchison on Middle Class Amorality George McKenna on What Would Lincoln Say Maria McFadden on Do We Own Our Death Faith Abbott on Glamourizing Abortion Mary Kenny on The Good News...
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Spring 1995

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW , SPRING 1995 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW SPRING 1995 Featured in this issue William Murchison on Fostering Morality Michael Schwartz on How the Culture War Went Global Wesley J Smith on Oregon Assisted Suicide David Quinn on The New Ireland vs God George Mulcaire...
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Winter 1995

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW, WINTER 1995 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 1995 Featured in this issue William Murchison on What the Voters Chose Robert M Patrick Eileen Rosen on Creation tFor Research Only Ellen Wilson Fielding on The Taboos Are Gone Colleen Boland on Whitehead Strikes...
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Fall 1994

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW , FALL 1994 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW FALL 1994 Featured in this issue Faith Abbott on A Cosmic Joke William Murchison on The Culture of Death Maria McFadden on Woe Is Roe Elena Muller Garcia on From Dr Death to Mr Kill Colleen Boland on The Culture War Will the...
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Fall 1993

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW , FALL 1993 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW FALL 1993 Featured in this issue Faith Abbott on Remedial Birth Control Robert Whelan on Greens vs People Desmond Rushe on Will Ireland Go Trendy William Murchison on Telling It Straight Maria McFadden on Bringing It All...
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