The Washington Post’s accidentally pro-life feature

    Last year, the Washington Post’s Caroline Kitchener profiled a teenage couple who had twins after Texas’ heartbeat abortion law went into effect. The article ran days before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, supposedly heralding the oppressive new regime...
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The Living and the Dead

  It is sultry summer in Japan. There are fireworks displays in the night sky as I walk home from work, distant orbs of shattering ochre and turquoise exploding in the distance followed by a dull thud. In nearby parks and schoolyards, I hear the taut rhythms of taik...
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The Speech Police is After Pregnancy Centers

Few things bother pro-abortion advocates more than the idea that pro-life pregnancy centers dissent from their party line. Some new laws that have recently been enacted show how far they are willing to go. Casting aside any notion of free speech and free thought, they are now...
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Pro-Life as Promise, Not Pageant

    “That’s what I’m talking about.” English dictionaries cite this phrase as an idiom for approval, satisfaction, and vindication: Prior words or actions may have been inadequate, but this at last is how I want things to be. Because the pro-life movement has a political...
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Transfiguration and Hiroshima

  At exactly fifteen minutes past eight in the morning on August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion killed an estimated one hundred thousand people. John Hersey, a journalist who had been...
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Pro-life Is Not Anti-death

  Caring for the sick: It’s what Christians do and have done since the beginning. Jesus healed the sick. Insofar as they could, his followers did the same. And whenever they could not heal, they stayed with the sick and did not abandon them. Caring for the sick leads to...
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NEWSworthy: Iowa lawmakers pass fetal heartbeat abortion ban—Iowa lawmakers ban abortion after six weeks: *UPDATE BELOW ARTICLE*

  Iowa lawmakers passed a “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban on July 11, banning abortion after six weeks’ gestation. The state’s Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed the bill into law Friday. “The measure,” NBC reports, “includes exceptions for the life of the woman,...
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FDA Approval of Opill Reveals Our Birth Control Blind-Spot

    In an unsurprising move, the FDA announced Thursday that it has officially approved the Opill, a progestin-only birth control pill, for over-the-counter use (OTC) for all women of reproductive age. It will be the first hormonal birth control pill ever to be sold...
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God’s Children Are Not for Sale

  This is a short post to encourage you to go to see the recently-released movie Sound of Freedom. The story recounts the work of Tim Ballard, who heads up Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that rescues children sold into sex slavery and brings the perpetrators...
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Looking at This Fall’s Elections

    As we mark the first anniversary of Dobbs, it’s important to prepare for this fall’s off-year elections. Roe caught pro-lifers off-guard in 1973 because, prior to that decision, abortion policy had been fought out almost exclusively at the state level. Roe suddenly...
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