Tuesday: A Virulently Anti-Life Movie

  “Tuesday” is the title of a recent indie film (still in theaters) and the name of its main character. The unusual name recalls the day that can seem empty—lacking the energy of Monday and the celebratory release of Friday—while silently pregnant with all the stressors of...
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The Truth about Human Life Is in the Heart

  “Fanatic.” “Hysterical.” “Overly sentimental.” Have you heard these or similar accusations lately? Opponents frequently paint prolifers as emotionally carried away, even disturbed: An often cynically employed tactic for side-stepping rational debate over the moral “merits”...
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Will the “World’s First Artificial Womb Facility” Incubate 30,000 Lab-Grown Children Every Year?

  Moral disgust and fascination are often two sides of the same coin when it comes to new developments in biotechnology. In many ways, it is the capacity for moral disgust that will save our society by steering us away from the encroaching culture of death. But that capacity...
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Will the “World’s First Artificial Womb Facility” Incubate 30,000 Lab-Grown Children Every Year?

  Moral disgust and fascination are often two sides of the same coin when it comes to new developments in biotechnology. In many ways, it is the capacity for moral disgust that will save our society by steering us away from the encroaching culture of death. But that capacity...
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