
“Frankly, I Could Give a Damn.”

“I want to say to any doctor out there, and certainly any doctor I’m going to: your moral beliefs? Frankly, I could give a damn . . . I don’t want your moral judgments; don’t need your moral judgments. Save that for some theology discussion you’re having over dinner.” Thus spoke...
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What Was the Supreme Court’s Goal?

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled on Obergefell v. Hodges and wiped the traditional meaning of marriage out of the laws of the United States. Words of the dissenting opinion by Chief Justice Roberts will resonate in legal history: “If you are among the many Americans—of whatever...
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Share the Darkness with a Righteous Kiss

Ah, the June wedding season. I was at one recently that keeps coming back to mind. The dress was gorgeous, the bride was radiant, the reception was lovely. Amazingly, at the bride and groom’s first dance, I could actually hear the words of the song, “Share the Darkness”: Now that...
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Dignity, Dystopia and the Meaning of Marriage

Prologue: A while ago I had the pleasure of taking one of our younger family members to a party at the home of a girl she knew from school. I had some notice that the girl’s family was not a “traditional family structure” as we, with our orthodox Christian sensibilities, would...
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Feature: Paul Benjamin Linton and Gualberto Garcia Jones Personhood Debate

We will soon be posting all articles from this debate on this page for ease of reading in chronological order. Thanks for your patience!
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From CRISIS: Explaining the Decline in Abortion Rates

Anne Hendershott discusses what some abortion advocates call a “worrisome trend.”
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Rules for Prolifers (with apologies to Saul Alinsky)

  A memorable scene in the movie Patton is when the general does his version of a victory dance and shouts to the sky, “Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!” This by way of explaining why he was able to defeat Rommel. Pondering the dearth of pro-life victory...
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Love Fully and Completely: An Alternative to Unpronounceable Chemicals

  A 26-year-old woman in Los Angeles nearly died last month because of a blood clot in her brain. The cause? An oral contraceptive (OC). A 21-year-old woman in England, Fallan Kurek, did die last week after taking an oral contraceptive for only 25 days. It had been...
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Pope Gives Short Shrift to Rome March for Life

May 10. It was a hot Roman Sunday as pilgrims headed for St. Peter’s Square for the traditional Papal appearance for the Regina Coeli after which the Pontiff greets the crowds and bestows his apostolic blessing. Clusters of tourists and tour groups as well as couples ambled along...
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Timing Is Everything: The Birth of the Pill

THE BIRTH OF THE PILL:How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution by Jonathan Eig (Norton, 2014)   I asked Jonathan Eig why he wrote this book, as his other biographies are about Al Capone, Lou Gehrig, and Jackie Robinson. “My wife said I should write a book...
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