The Republican Party Betrays Pro-Life Principles

  A version of the following was originally posted July 16, 2024, on the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission. How far the Republican Party has fallen since Ronald Reagan wrote the magnificent pro-life manifesto Abortion and the...
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Abortion Pills and the Supreme Court

    A version of the following was originally posted March 27, 2024, on the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.  _________________________________________________________________ The Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments...
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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Constitutional Chicanery

    A version of the following  was originally posted February 8, 2024, from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission. In the post-Dobbs legal environment, the battle over the fate of legal protections for unborn children...
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Another Bad Faith Attack on Texas’ Pro-Life Law

    A version of the following  was originally posted December 12, 2023, from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.   The latest challenge to the Texas pro-life law has gotten a lot of attention. It involves a...
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Stealth Eugenic Euthanasia of Disabled Infants

  In political science, there is a concept known as the “Overton Window.” Named after the professor who first suggested it, the idea is that the public discussion or advocacy of policies must take place within a range of opinions that are generally accepted by society as...
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Sisters of Life celebrate legal victory

  When you live in a pro-abortion state like New York, the inveterate hostility of the government can sometimes feel like a force of nature. It is all too easy for people to become discouraged, as if resistance is futile. But the Sisters of Life have shown us once again that...
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Pro-Life Principles and Politicians

    The following  was originally posted September 18, 2023 from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat”. It is reprinted with permission. ********************************* We can never expect perfection from politicians. But when they claim to be...
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Why Are Pro-Lifers Repeating Pro-Abortion Falsehoods?

  Twice in the last few days, I read articles on pro-life websites that blandly repeated pro-abortion falsehoods about efforts to legalize late-term abortion. The Campaign Ad Both articles related to a new campaign advertisement by the Biden/Harris presidential re-election...
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Stopping the Abortion Pill–A Major Step Forward

    A major decision was just issued by the Fifth Circuit in the abortion pill case. This is the lawsuit filed by pro-life doctors challenging the Food and Drug Administration’s shifting safety standards for the use of mifepristone (a/k/a Mifeprex). It...
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The Speech Police is After Pregnancy Centers

Few things bother pro-abortion advocates more than the idea that pro-life pregnancy centers dissent from their party line. Some new laws that have recently been enacted show how far they are willing to go. Casting aside any notion of free speech and free thought, they are now...
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