The Passion of Christ and the Pandemic

    In his account of the first Good Friday, St. Matthew tells us that “from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour.” (Mt. 27:45) And in his Life of Christ, Bishop Sheen says that the last judgment was prefigured on Calvary. The darkness can...
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Lazarus & Human Ecology

    Prolifers can learn from the marvelously practical language of Alcoholics Anonymous. In AA, the phrase “stinking thinking” refers to destructive habits of thought that tend to return the alcoholic to the bottle. Those of us concerned with abortion do well to be alert to...
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    [The following is an excerpt from the late Pope Benedict XVI’s General Audience from December 28, 2005. On this Feast of the Holy Innocents, he reflects on the second part of Psalm 139, “The Wonder of My Being” (verses 13-24). © Copyright 2005—Libreria Editrice...
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APPENDIX A: Jonathan Roumie: Pro-life advocacy the “worthiest and noblest cause possible”

This article originally appeared on CNA’s website ( on Jan 20, 2023, and is reprinted with permission. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Addressing thousands of people assembled on...
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Black Swan in the Pro-Life Personality

  I have organized dozens of pro-life groups, first as an undergraduate, then throughout my career as a high school teacher. And for thirty-plus years, I have been surprised by the number of decent, moral, conscientious students who, though vaguely sympathetic, wouldn’t...
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“Benedict XVI, 95, Who Defended Doctrine, Dies.”  — The New York Times, January 1, 2023

    And so it goes: the gaze of society deflected, as usual, by the modern establishment’s failure—or refusal—to acknowledge what should be called and reckoned with as religious truth. As the Human Life Review’s Jim McFadden used to sigh, verbally, in signing off from...
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    TWO PATIENTS: MY CONVERSION FROM ABORTION TO LIFE-AFFIRMING MEDICINE Dr. John Bruchalski with Elise Daniel (Ignatius Press, 2022, paperback, 185 pp., $17.95) Reviewed by Maria McFadden Maffucci _____________________________________________________________________...
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Evelyn Waugh’s Displaced Persons

  “Throughout the early Middle Ages the monks were regarded by their lay contemporaries as the intercessors for the rest of society, divided against those who gave it livelihood by toil and those who defended it by arms. The monasteries therefore were not endowed solely as...
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Campaign Finance and the Right to Life

  In her important new book Dollars for Life, Mary Ziegler, the Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law at the University of California-Davis School of Law (formerly at Florida State University College of Law), traces how American prolifers of various descriptions and...
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How Assisted Suicide Advocacy Overturned Roe v. Wade

  Back in the 1990s, noting the success of abortion rights advocacy in the federal courts, the assisted-suicide movement moved to circumvent the democratic process by convincing the United States Supreme Court to impose an assisted suicide Roe v. Wade: a decision that would...
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