Momentary Friends

    I had spent the night in an airport on a ten-hour layover, not quite as awful as it sounds but no rival for the much-anticipated comfort of my own home. Bleary-eyed as we took off at 7 AM—no one on the flight was what my father would have called “bright-eyed and...
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Sisters of Life celebrate legal victory

  When you live in a pro-abortion state like New York, the inveterate hostility of the government can sometimes feel like a force of nature. It is all too easy for people to become discouraged, as if resistance is futile. But the Sisters of Life have shown us once again that...
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Keep Praying

    The Church of the Holy Family, where I serve as pastor, is in midtown Manhattan, across the street from the United Nations campus. The church is open Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM. Day in and day out, I am impressed to see the many people who come in to pray...
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The Prophetical Anthony Trollope

  Nothing is more mischievous than the self-complacency of historians who treat the past as though it were an object lesson in why the present is more enlightened than the past. Yet precisely because these historians flatter the self-complacency of their readers, their...
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Study claiming uptick in abortions after Dobbs challenged by social scientist

    Abortions reportedly increased post-Dobbs, according to a study from the pro-abortion Society for Family Planning. However, a trained social scientist and business professor questioned the applicability of the study as it relates to the effectiveness of pro-life...
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A Pro-life Word to Save the Clergy

      The Sisters of Life are no strangers to readers of the Human Life Review. But they pretty much were to me before my Bishop invited one of them, Sr. Virginia Joy, to speak to the clergy and lay ministers of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh. I had no idea what I...
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      I’m thinking of saints, this being the season of All Saints—and Halloween—not perhaps an obvious connection. Halloween is one of the most lucrative holidays in the U.S., whereas many remain oblivious to All Saints’ Day, which follows it. I cherish the moment...
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Democratic congressman launches uninformed attack on pregnancy help centers

      A New Jersey Democratic congressman wants to shut down pro-life pregnancy resource centers that provide free diapers, clothing, counseling, and other services. Using his authority as a congressman, U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer called for a shutdown of pregnancy...
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Breaking Free from the Pro-choice Captivity of a Church

    In that infamous year 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church entered into a union to form The United Methodist Church. The new denomination boasted a membership of more than eleven million members, took its place among the “mainline”...
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