The Dobbs Case and the Strains of Prudence

Not long after Roe v. Wade was decided (1973), a notable figure in medical research opined that the Court had not been liberal enough in fashioning this right to have an abortion virtually through the end of the pregnancy. He suggested that the parents be given four or five more...
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Leaked Supreme Court Draft Suggests Roe and Casey May Be Overturned

From the beginning, the politics and legal theory of abortion have embodied contempt for human life and for the law. The leaking of this document continues that, and will undoubtedly lead to further erosion of respect for the sanctity of the legal process. Unfortunately, it’s...
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Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to Politico

  The Supreme Court plans to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to a draft opinion obtained by Politico and published Monday night. “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the leaked draft majority opinion. “The Constitution makes no...
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From Another Mother

     Thinking of you living under the same sky, and on the same earth as me, I miss you. I do not know what I should say, or how I should say it. Even though I am ashamed of myself, I want to be called your mother . . . When I had to send you away at the hospital, I...
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How Paul Weyrich Shaped the GOP Agenda

Now that the pro-life movement is well into its third generation, perhaps it is time to record a forgotten (or hidden) chapter covering its very beginnings, not to criticize, but to make the record complete. Take a moment to recall the context of the times. When the abortion...
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Trust Not in Judicial Princes

  Oddly—or maybe it’s not odd after all, given the power of habit—Americans have come to consider the United States Supreme Court as, well, supreme: garlanded, perfumed, raised in immensity over imperfect surroundings. Or—as Ol’ Blue Eyes put it in a lus...
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Black pro-life Democrat: “My community isn’t a monolith”

Abortion advocates usually paint a caricature of pro-lifers as being only white conservatives. But the pro-life camp is much broader than opponents would like to think. In Connecticut this week, several Democrats and minority members of the state legislature from the Black and...
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Why Large Families Will Save Humanity

This article is currently only available in our print edition. Call 212-685-5210 to purchase copies or subscribe below: Subscribe to the Human Life Review
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The Texas Abortion Law Reaches the Supreme Court

  [Edward Mechmann is an attorney and Director of Public Policy for the Archdiocese of New York. The following is reprinted with permission from his public policy blog “Stepping Out of the Boat” (October, 25, 2021).] The Texas heartbeat law continues to generate controversy,...
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What Colombia’s Recent Law Reveals About Abortion Campaigns in Latin America

  For decades, the nations of Latin America have been the targets of a sustained, well-funded campaign to legalize abortion. It has come under various guises—to promote population control, improve reproductive health, enhance the equality of women, end unsafe abortions, and...
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