Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to FDA Abortion Drug Approval

    The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone, striking a blow for the pro-life cause. The court was unanimous in its decision, and the lawsuit was rejected on the grounds that the...
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Pro-Life Activist Lauren Handy Sentenced to Almost Five Years in Prison

  Pro-life activist Lauren Handy — known for her efforts to uncover the truth about fetuses found at a Washington, D.C., abortion clinic that appeared to have been killed via partial-birth abortion — was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for violating the federal FACE...
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Former Disney Star Olivia Rodrigo Funds Abortion with Concert Tour

On tour for her latest album, GUTS, Rodrigo also gave out morning-after pills and condoms to concertgoers in St. Louis this week. In a play on her song “bad idea right?” a flier paired with the emergency contraceptives reads, “Funding abortion? It’s a good idea, right?
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Britney Spears revealed she was pressured into having an abortion

      As we’ve shared here at Human Life Review before, it’s often the case that the “pro-choice” side isn’t really “pro-choice” at all. When abortion becomes the default “solution” to an unexpected pregnancy, rather than empowering women, this mindset, among other...
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South Carolina upholds abortion ban while pro-abortion advocates play language games

  We have some good news for South Carolinians: The state’s Supreme Court upheld its abortion ban last week, which means unborn babies cannot be aborted after a heartbeat has been detected, around six weeks. This week, the Supreme Court further cemented its decision, saying...
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The Truth About Pregnancy Centers

  Pro-abortion advocates frequently claim that crisis pregnancy centers are dishonest because they give women facts about pregnancy and try to dissuade them from choosing abortion. Such was the reasoning behind the Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act, an...
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The Washington Post’s accidentally pro-life feature

    Last year, the Washington Post’s Caroline Kitchener profiled a teenage couple who had twins after Texas’ heartbeat abortion law went into effect. The article ran days before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, supposedly heralding the oppressive new regime...
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NEWSworthy: Iowa lawmakers pass fetal heartbeat abortion ban—Iowa lawmakers ban abortion after six weeks: *UPDATE BELOW ARTICLE*

  Iowa lawmakers passed a “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban on July 11, banning abortion after six weeks’ gestation. The state’s Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed the bill into law Friday. “The measure,” NBC reports, “includes exceptions for the life of the woman,...
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Study: Most women don’t want abortion

    Pro-abortion advocates like to frame their position as “pro-choice,” as if women can easily decide whether or not they want to have an abortion. But for many women who go through with abortion, the decision wasn’t really their choice at all, according to a new...
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Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down two abortion bans

  The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down two abortion bans last week by arguing that their language would allow the life of the mother to be at risk. Thanks to a 1910 abortion ban that went back into effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned, abortion is still mostly illegal...
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