Rest in Peace Alfie Evans: Matters Sacred and Irreversible

Most who read this will know that 2-year-old Alfie Evans, who suffered from a mysterious neuro-degenerative disease, died last week, the UK Supreme Court having ordered life support be removed and, despite the desires of Alfie’s parents, forbidding him to receive treatment...
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“You Are Worthy”

  Once upon a time, a fairy princess waited for her prince to save her: from captivity, a wicked stepmother, maybe even an annoying dwarf sneezing on her. No matter what, the lovely young woman needed a man to help her out of a jam. Fast forward to today, where the “fairer...
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HOT TOPIC: A Puff-Piece Memoir from the President of Planned Parenthood

Cecile Richards sanitizes the brutality of abortion with deceptive talking points and self-aggrandizing anecdotes. Cecile Richards, who for the past twelve years has been the president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, draws deeply on her group’s collection...
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Thinking Through Kevin Williamson’s Abortion Remark

  An irony of the recent contretemps over Kevin Williamson is that a writer who delivers such a high ratio of originality to conventional wisdom would become the subject of so much repetition of ideological boilerplate. Four years ago, Williamson wrote in a Twitter exchange...
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HOT TOPIC: By Firing Kevin Williamson,The Atlantic Shows It Can’t Handle Real Ideological Diversity (Reason)

Kevin Williamson has been fired from The Atlantic. Since leaving National Review in March, the conservative writer has managed to produce just one column at his new perch, in which he declared the death of the libertarian moment. But the thing that cost him the gig was a remark...
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Time Travel and Battling Evil

  Lately my grandson’s interest in the Marvel and DC comics world of superheroes has been turning his mind to the conundrums of time travel and the intricacies of rewriting the past. My own pop-culture exposure to time-travel plotlines dates from the Back to the Future...
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HOT TOPIC: From The Cut—Alex Morris on “Theybies & Gender Creative Parenting”

Alex Morris (The Cut) on Theybies & Gender Creative Parenting If gender is largely a social construct, then what leads some people’s identities to diverge from the way in which they were socialized? No one really knows. Certainly genes are not the determinants: Children with...
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Don’t Think We’re in Glenbrook Anymore …

ABC’s award-winning television show Life Goes On, which ran from 1989 to 1993, was built around a family whose eldest son, Corky, had Down syndrome. The show, set in the Chicago suburb of Glenbrook, won accolades for giving many Americans their first real insight into the...
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Crisis Pregnancy Centers v. Abortion Clinics

Crisis Pregnancy Centers v. Abortion Clinics Victoria Garaitonandia Gisondi Megan Burbank, who describes herself as a “repro health” reporter, recently wrote an edgy little piece in the Portland Mercury in which she calls an unborn child “a clump of pulsing organic matter” and...
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Engaging a Broken World

“How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?” (John 4:9)   The following reflections are on John 4, which concerns a Samaritan woman who came to draw from a well at noon (which many have suggested meant that she was trying to avoid others who would...
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