So What Does it Mean? The Legal Consequences of Dobbs

  We are fortunate to have Edward Mechmann’s deft analysis. Click here for a special preview of his outstanding article for the Human Life Review.
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Rejecting the Culture War, and Building a Culture of Peace

  (The following is reprinted from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 29th,  and reprinted with permission.) It all started in my sophomore year of high school: I was a bi, liberal, atheist feminist trying to figure myself out as we all do at that age, when an ex-boyfriend...
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What Lies Ahead . . . Interview re Roe.

  Here is my recent interview on David Vaughan’s radio program, Encounter: Worldview Matters, broadcast from St. Louis. David Vaughan is a pastor, lecturer, community leader, editor, and author.  He pastors at the Liberty Christian Church in O’Fallon, Missouri,...
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The Matter of Life

The Matter of Life is what the pro-life movement needs: an intelligent, eminently reasonable and persuasive look at what is really involved in the matter of abortion.  Featuring activists who break the sterotypes and pro-life leaders who exude compassion and common sense,  it...
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W. Ross Blackburn and Georgette Forney: Teaching the Ten Words of Life

The Reverend W. Ross Blackburn is the creator of our Pastoral Reflections feature and a frequent contributor to the Human Life Review. Rev. Georgette Forney is President of Angicans for Life and co-founder of the Silent No More ministry. There may still be places available for...
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From the Editors …..

The editors of the Human Life Review pray for the day Roe v. Wade is overturned and support legal efforts to do so.  At the same time, we strenuously condemn this attempt to intimidate justices and pervert justice. This unprecedented breach at the Supreme Court is a disturbing...
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Witness to Life

  “What are we, chopped liver?” Thus, I imagine the indignation of his fellow apostles when Thomas refuses to believe their claim that “We have seen the Lord.” Why does Thomas not believe them? And how should they respond to his unbelief? This is the second time I am writing...
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A Life of Mercy: Vicki Thorn, RIP

The world has just lost a prolife hero: Vicki Thorn, founder of Project Rachel, died suddenly, on April 20, at 72 years old. Although I did not know Mrs. Thorn personally, I had massive admiration for her, ever since I wrote about the ministry she founded, Project Rachel,  for...
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Resurrection Hope

I have a friend who has condemned herself for over 30 years for her abortion. Jesus’ resurrection means two things for her. Let me reflect on two resurrection Scriptures. First, Jesus came to forgive her sins. St. Paul writes that Jesus was raised because we have been justified...
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The Gift of Love

Holy Week begins today—the most solemn season of the Church’s year. The gospel readings for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week (John 13:21-33, 36-38 and Matthew 16:14-25) portray the scene of Jesus announcing to his disciples that one of them would betray him. Judas is, of...
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