Six Political Principles

    This pastoral reflection was outlined on May 31. Ninety years before that day, on May 31, 1934, The Barmen Declaration was adopted by the votes of more than one hundred Protestants—both clergy (pastors and professors) and laity who were assembled at a church in...
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  The following letter involves fictional characters and circumstances. It is written to encourage, that is, to bolster the courage of those tempted by abortion—including their pastors. (PTS)  __________________________ Dear Karin: God’s grace and peace to you and yours. I...
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President Biden on Abortion: Time for Church Discipline?

  Before President Joe Biden delivered the 2024 State of the Union address, the question on the minds of most was, Will the president have the get-up-and-go to complete the speech without a disastrous stumble? His delivery made clear that he indeed had the energy, but...
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Preach the Gospel, Heal the Church  

    Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 (RSV) Hundreds of thousands of abortions occur each year in the United States. Many of the women (and men) involved in these...
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           “For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human…. “We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins….” –The Nicene Creed (In 2025, the 1,700th...
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Breaking Free from the Pro-choice Captivity of a Church

    In that infamous year 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church entered into a union to form The United Methodist Church. The new denomination boasted a membership of more than eleven million members, took its place among the “mainline”...
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Forward to Basics

  There are many people, clergy and laity, who have a strong witness for life. Most never speak their witness before an audience or in front of a camera. Even so, their life-affirming words and deeds are heard and seen every day. Here is the story of one such witness. During...
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Overcoming Apathy and Opposition in the Church

    The 2023 National Right to Life Convention was held on June 23-24 at the Hyatt Regency/Pittsburgh International Airport. On the opening day, Rev. John B. Brown, Jr.–author of Lilies That Fester: Abortion and the Scandal of Christian Discipleship (Resource...
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A Joyful Pilgrimage

  The Church recognizes the absolute necessity of repetition. The Christian Year repeats its seasons—Advent through Pentecost Season (or Ordinary Time)—year after year, so that the congregation and the individual can be renewed in the whole Gospel. Week after week, the...
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Protecting the Weak from the Strong

    In the natural world stronger animals defeat and often eat weaker ones. In oceans and rivers, on mountains and hills, across deserts and plains, throughout the air and sky—this deadly story plays out again and again with different actors. The dead rabbit on the suburban...
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