Photo 27291633 / Courage © Travelling-light |

The Missing Ingredient

  We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. . . . (Ephesians...
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Photo 203072680 / Pharisees © Jozef Sedmak |

Doing Good Well

But Jesus grew angry, responding to them as if to say, “Really? These people are full of anger, lust, greed, distrust; they’re dying, spiritually dying, in all their interior sins, and you’re upset by how they wash their hands?”
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The Glory of August

In the month of August there are two feasts of glory: the Transfiguration of Christ on August 6 and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15. In the Bible, “glory” signifies the radiance of God: “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:50). By...
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Fr. Joseph Koterski RIP

  It is a great sorrow for me—and for so many others who knew and loved him—to lose, or better said, to commend to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the true and faithful servant of God Joseph Koterski, SJ., who died of a heart attack on August 9 while preaching a retreat. He was 67...
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Seeing in Color

  A well-meaning friend recently told me that she does not “see color.” By which she meant she did not take note of the color of someone’s skin, but instead, she insisted, looked people in the eye. It is a noble sentiment, and one I used to espouse before I became the mother...
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Photo 19415804 / Adoption © Otnaydur |

Adoption and Calling

  You have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’  The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, the heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ … (Romans 8:15-17).    Callings come in (at...
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Photo 138160844 © Xavier Ascanio |

An Ecumenical Word on DC-Funded Abortions

    The National Pro-life Religious Council (NPRC) is a group of pro-life organizations, most of which represent denominations or are based in churches. Anglicans for Life, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod,...
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sonogram in hands

Mental Pictures Catching Up with Our Minds

  “Our little guy is now the size of my thumbnail.” This fellow was telling me how his wife was doing during her pregnancy. They had recently visited their obstetrician and, as is customary these days, had seen their growing child via sonogram. I was struck by the change...
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Photo 206038518 © Wheatfieldmediastock |

Gaming the Message

If we want to win hearts and minds, we must be savvy about whom we allow to win our attention.
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Photo 157631347 © Alexander Reitter |

Independence Day: July 4, 2021

On this day of independence, let us pray that America’s failures may teach us humility, just as her successes make us proud.
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