Chemical Abortions Require a New Pro-Life Approach

  Last week, in an opinion piece for Lifesite News, Marie Claire Bissonnette (my daughter) wrote that the dramatic increase in early-gestation chemical abortions and the corresponding decrease in later-gestation surgical abortions, is going to necessitate a refocusing of the...
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Socrates and the Fractured University

  Socrates has proven to be an excellent critic of both modern media and modern modes of education. His great virtue was moral integrity. He lived and taught by a simple principle, namely, that a conviction should stem from knowledge. This, Socrates held firmly, was the key...
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Lessons from a Foster Family

  It was two in the morning when a little round face popped up from the mattress, looked right and left, and then asked, “Umma?” He was ten months old and had already mastered the intonation of a question. It was two in the morning when I patted my little son on the back and...
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“Shout Your Abortion”: The Coffee Table Book

Shout Your Abortion is a collection of photos, essays, and “creative work” born from the social media campaign of the same name, where women are encouraged to share their abortion experiences online for the purpose, says co-founder Lindy West,  of “de-stigmatization,...
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Mega Family Planning Conference Brings Thousands to Rwanda

  Kigali, capital of one of the poorest countries of Africa, recently hosted the fifth International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health (which is based at the Johns Hopkins University...
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Big Data and the Human Person

  Since at least the time of Antonio Gramsci—the early 20th-century Italian communist who scrawled out a plan in his Prison Notebooks to destroy the bourgeois West from the inside out—leftists have devoted an enormous amount of time and energy to dismantling Western...
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Human Rights and Dignity—Not a Human Invention

  Last Sunday the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. Conjuring up images of thrones, royal robes, and scepters, it is a feast day that can strike secularized Western societies like ours as particularly alien. An Australian bishop recently expressed a...
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Never Men?

  As difficult as it may be for me to maintain a positive view of the future, I am obligated to crack an optimistic smile on occasion for the benefit of my two teenage sons. Yet as one embarks on his college career, and the other prepares to enter high school next year, I...
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Motherless America Radicalized—and Redeemed

  You may have seen this video of my daughter being roundhouse kicked during a pro-life demonstration. The man in the video, Jordan Hunt, is the perfectly cast villain. He has stylized himself as punk-chic gender-bender, wearing...
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Abortion Free Verona: City Council Vote Creates a Maelstrom

  Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet, made big news in early October when the city council and mayor of that northern Italian city voted 21 to 6 to make theirs “a city that favors life.” In addition, the city council members voted to make funds available from its budget to...
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