Courage and Clarity: A Tribute to James Likoudis

    Throughout the history of the pro-life and pro-family movements, many remarkable individuals have played important roles. Among those who may receive less recognition today is James Likoudis, a gifted scholar and speaker whose long-time defense of human life, the...
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Stealth Eugenic Euthanasia of Disabled Infants

  In political science, there is a concept known as the “Overton Window.” Named after the professor who first suggested it, the idea is that the public discussion or advocacy of policies must take place within a range of opinions that are generally accepted by society as...
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Another Disquieting Suggestion

  Philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre’s 1981 book After Virtue is one of the most widely read and influential academic books of the past 50 years. It begins with a chapter entitled “A Disquieting Suggestion,” in which the author asks the reader to imagine a future society in...
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Descending from Paganism

    In the fifty-plus years since the movement to legalize abortion in America began scoring successes, I have grappled with the mystery of how so many women in particular could politically support it with such consistent and sometimes ferocious conviction. Oh, it is...
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