Reclaiming Motherhood

    Motherhood is denigrated in our culture, sometimes even within the church. This stifles our witness on behalf of the unborn and the women who are their mothers. Something similar could be said of the denigration and abdication of fatherhood. But that is for another...
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The Breaks, or the Moral of the Story

  Some years ago, twenty-three to be exact—I’m sure because it was the occasion of my wedding day—I received this note: “Hope everything breaks your way.” It was from one of the most generous people I’ve ever known, a man who committed much of his life to splashing money...
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Over the Post-Roe Blues (Part II)

  The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade sparked celebration and joy throughout the pro-life community. It also unleashed protest and anger in many sectors of the pro-abortion community. “Pro-choice” outbursts of fury in the streets and in the media were...
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Bottle Babies

  With the overturn of Roe and its emphasis on viability, “life begins at conception” has a chance of graduating from opinion to law in the form of fetal personhood legislation. This raises issues ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. Ridiculous as in the abortion...
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HLR Interviews FamilyVoice Australia: Euthanasia in Australia: An Update

HLR Interviews Greg Bondar Australia and Canada are the two English-speaking jurisdictions where the legalization of euthanasia has made the greatest inroads. Critics charge that Canada follows an expansive and permissive approach to promoting “medical assistance in dying,”...
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The Bleakness of Objective Tomorrow

Monozukuri (ものづくり) is one of the most important concepts in the Japanese cultural universe. The straight translation of monozukuri is deceptively simple: literally, “making things.” But in practice it is so much more than that. My colleague Rebecca Chunghee Kim at Ritsumeikan...
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Does Effective and Ethical Stem Cell Therapy Exist?

  For folks of a certain age, the championing of stem cell therapy research is inextricably tied to cultural icons like Marty McFly or Superman—or, as they are known in real life, Michael J. Fox and Christopher Reeve. Both of these men are famous for more than just the...
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“Liberty to Do What?”

  [On June 1, 2022, the Human Life Foundation hosted a panel discussion inspired by George McKenna’s “The Odd Couple: Freedom and Liberty” (published in the Fall 2021 edition of the Human Life Review). McKenna, who began the evening with a summary of his essay, was joined by...
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Pro-life Trailblazer: The Life and Legacy of Vicki Thorn

When Vicki Thorn died in April 2022—suddenly, at the age of 72—the pro-life community lost one of its genuine pioneers. As the founder of Project Rachel, the healing ministry of the Catholic Church in the United States, Vicki helped women and men bearing the unhealed emotional,...
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  Let’s face it. Until the Supreme Court overturned Roe last June, most Americans had largely ignored the nation’s ongoing abortion debate for almost 50 years. Why? Maybe because to pay attention would entail coming down on one side or the other regarding the desirability of...
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