How Planned Parenthood Lets Women Down

Dr. Leana Wen had just lost her baby. It was a hard blow during a difficult season of her life. As then-president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Wen was struggling with bureaucrats who didn’t share her vision for the organization. They’d criticized her,...
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Assisted Suicide Implicated in Suicide Crisis

Suicides are now at crisis levels. The number of people who kill themselves in the United States has risen 30 percent since 2000. Indeed, so great is the number that, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide has become one of the country’s leading...
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Abortion, Simone Biles, and the Autonomous Self

After the close of the 2020-21 Olympics, the gymnast Simone Biles, who identifies as Catholic, took to her Instagram account to declare herself “prochoice” regarding the issue of abortion. The news, as they say, went around the world—instantly. In that announcement Miss Biles...
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The Pro-life Movement’s Place in History

There are only a handful of political/social/cultural movements in American history that labored for 50 years or more to arrive at success. The first was abolition, which procured freedom for slaves but only after a bloody civil war. Next the suffragette movement opened the...
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Tearing Us Apart: A Resource for Reshaping the Abortion Landscape

NATION FACES CHANGED ABORTION LANDSCAPE —Headline, the New York Times, June 26, 2022   Sure enough? The Times, the Times!—America’s narrow-eyed bearer of meat-slab tidings and truths wouldn’t tickle us under the chin with a feather, would it, hoping to provoke a giggl...
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Dismantling the United States of America

  America . . . we have a problem! It seems the United States of America is undermining the United States of America. The smoldering social ruckus—the internal strife and intrigue—that is occurring in the United States today should not be, but it is, and it didn’t just...
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From the Editors Summer 2022

ROE OVERTURNED A 6-3 Ruling Ends 50 Years of Federal Abortion Rights —New York Times headline, June 25, 2022 When Roe v. Wade was issued on January 22, 1973, it surprised just about everyone, including our founder J.P. McFadden. He read the text of the sweeping opinion the next...
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APPENDIX B: Don’t Forget Andrew Cuomo’s Other Coronavirus Victims

In late April 2020, while field hospitals built with millions of dollars stood empty and the USNS Comfort prepared to leave NYC after having only treated 182 patients, Governor Cuomo announced that further construction on such sites would halt, because they were unnecessar...
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Dobbs and Constitutional Limits on Abortion

  In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade and declared that it was returning abortion regulation to the “people and their elected representatives.” The collective freedom of political choice that Dobbs affirmed sounded plenary....
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Appedix A: Envy in the Age of Social Media

More than fifty years before the term “social media influencer” was coined, Rene Girard identified the social role played by those whose attractiveness and authenticity inspired others to want to be like them. The advertising industry has always known of our mimetic desires....
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