Is Joe Biden Only Quasi-Catholic—At Best?

  Funny how a presidential election can change everything. For the past four years, the story has been the evangelical church in the time of Donald Trump. Now it’s the Catholic Church in the time of Joe Biden. There are key differences in this religion/power narrative....
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Calling Nonsense by Its Right Name

  Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementant. Whom God would destroy He first makes mad. And how! So much I gather from Prof. Carl R. Trueman’s new and justly celebrated study The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. Upon turning the last page, the reader (as I testify from...
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Nearly fifty years after Roe, lines between fact and fiction are indeed indistinguishable, even in science.
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Covid in Ireland

The Covid pandemic has been a test of what we value most. First and foremost, it has asked whether we value freedom more than safety or vice versa. Like other crises, it brought to the fore once again considerations about the common good. Prolifers have had to ask themselves...
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She Buried Their Bodies

  [John Hirschauer is assistant editor of The American Conservative, where the following article was originally published on April 13, 2022. Reprinted with permission.] __________________________________ But after a long time, Salmanasar the king being dead, when Sennacherib...
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The Cult of Abortion

  [Seth Barron is the managing editor of The American Mind, an online publication of the Claremont Institute, and author of, most recently, The Last Days of New York. The following editorial was published on April 4, 2022 ( and is reprinted with the...
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Behind and Beyond the Shout for Abortion

  [Richard Stith is professor emeritus of law at Valparaiso University in Indiana and a member of the board of the Consistent Life Network, on whose website ( the following article appeared on April 4, 2020. Adapted from an article first published...
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“The Traditional Ethic…”

[The following is the complete text of an editorial first published in California Medicine, the official journal of the California Medical Association (Sept., 1970; Vol. 113, No. 3). It was a seminal document in the abortion/euthanasia debate, and remains as relevant today as...
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Sacred Space

  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in...
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You Don’t Say!

  Abortion serves men, because it allows them sex without responsibility, and always has. “You take care of it.” A Democratic administration is intent on enshrining it. Who says they don’t open doors for us anymore? Which is why the hands-off-my-body placards at...
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