Go to the Funeral

  “There was a funeral at school today.” I don’t suppose that’s something you often hear, but that was how my youngest son answered a recent “How was school?” query. Usually, since he’s sixteen, his response is mundane, often a little cynical. Why describe the school day...
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Silly-Clever Pro-Choice Arguments, and How to Take Them Down

It was an example of the kind I call “silly-clever,” borrowing the term from George Orwell. He used it in criticizing the work of the major Christian apologists of his day, including Chesterton and Lewis. (I don’t think his argument against them is very good, for what it’s...
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Fathers and Sons

  In Herodotus’ Histories we learn that Croesus, King of Lydia, waged war upon his neighbor Cyrus II, the great king of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. At the outset, Croesus felt assured of his victory, having been told by the oracle at Delphi that he would destroy a great...
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TWO BOOK REVIEWS: Survivor and Speaking for the Unborn

  SURVIVOR: AN ABORTION SURVIVOR’S SURPRISING STORY OF CHOOSING FORGIVENESS AND FINDING REDEMPTION Claire Culwell with Lois and Steve Rabey (Waterbrook/Multnomah Books, 2021, paperback, 189 pages, $17.00, ebook, $11.99) SPEAKING FOR THE UNBORN: 30-SECOND PRO-LIFE REBUTTALS...
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Perambulating in Mid-Air?

Many years ago, when I was pregnant with my first child, I ran into a fellow Sunday School teacher one day who congratulated me on my soon-tobe-born baby. As he turned to leave, he casually mentioned that he would pray it was a boy. Startled, I didn’t know what to reply. Of...
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Henry James and the Ties of Family

Recently, we have heard a good deal about the family during our national discontents. Those sworn to the progressive ideology blame the family for perpetuating what the Soviets used to call “dissidence”; they even go so far as to insist that children denounce parents if they fail...
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Life in the Face of Death

  The sun is shining brightly on a warming February afternoon along McLean Avenue, where every day looks like Saint Patrick’s Day. Past the Irish pubs, breakfast nooks, package stores, and Fáilte travel agencies of the Yonkers neighborhood moves a tall, exceedingly thin...
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An Interview with Georgette Forney

If you’ve attended the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., you’ve probably seen Georgette Forney and her Silent No More Awareness Campaign. Forney’s group organizes the powerful testimonies about abortion that are delivered each year by women (and men) on the steps of the...
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Birth Control’s Failed Promises

One milestone missed amid the chaos of those first pandemic months of 2020 was the sixtieth anniversary of the FDA’s approval of the world’s first contraceptive pill, Enovid. Lauded from the beginning as a “liberator” of women that would free them from unwanted pregnancies, “the...
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The American College of Abortion Advocacy

  Proponents of legal abortion often couch their position in the language of female empowerment, claiming that abortion is necessary to protect women’s freedom, equality, and opportunity. But while supporters often speak about abortion in terms of “women’s rights” and...
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