Personhood Refutes Legalized Abortion

  The joy experienced after Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization refuted and overruled Roe v. Wade was quickly dashed when President Biden promptly deplored the Supreme Court’s decision, a condemnation that leaders from other democratic nations were quick to join:...
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Ill-Informed: Abortion and the Moral Imagination

Abortion is largely a problem of the imagination. That is not to say, of course, that it is an imaginary problem. (That is what pro-abortion people would say.) In fact, in all of human history, more human beings have been killed before birth than after. Abortionists have killed...
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A House Divided

  Millions of Christians in this country take the issue of abortion very seriously, and they have done much to provide moral and spiritual leadership in the pro-life movement. In the years since the Roe v. Wade decision these defenders of life have founded and supported...
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The Tragedy of Kate Cox

  For her abortion at 20 weeks—five weeks longer than allowed under Texas law—Kate Cox left the state. Where she went I don’t know, nor have I really attempted to find out. Quite likely New Mexico, whose hospitals teem, as I have read, with Texas women desiring to refute the...
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Introduction Winter 2024

  As I write, the news that Kate Cox, who unsuccessfully sued for an exception to Texas’s strict abortion ban, will be a guest of the Bidens at the State of the Union Speech signals prolifers are in for a pounding between now and the November election. But of course we knew...
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