A Pro-Abortion Epiphany

  At a time when women are encouraged to “shout your abortion,” it’s no surprise that even religious leaders of a certain stripe will try to work pro-abortion messages into the church calendar. A legal challenge to Texas’s new abortion restrictions made its way into the...
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The Tragedy of Kate Cox

  For her abortion at 20 weeks—five weeks longer than allowed under Texas law—Kate Cox left the state. Where she went I don’t know, nor have I really attempted to find out. Quite likely New Mexico, whose hospitals teem, as I have read, with Texas women desiring to refute the...
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Another Bad Faith Attack on Texas’ Pro-Life Law

    A version of the following  was originally posted December 12, 2023, from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.   The latest challenge to the Texas pro-life law has gotten a lot of attention. It involves a...
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