Marriage, Motherhood, and the Plain People of Ireland

  “Herein lies wisdom, beauty and increase; Without this folly, age and cold decay” —Shakespeare, Sonnet 11 I In King Lear, Shakespeare sets the scene for what will be his anatomy of a society descending into moral chaos by having his Duke of Gloucester speak of his...
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How the Supreme Court Silenced the Voice of the Fathers

    At the National Catholic Register, John Grondelski reminds us not to forget the father’s role in the fight for life. The Supreme Court may have tried to cut him out of the picture back in 1976, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about him. “Two...
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A Pro-Abortion Epiphany

  At a time when women are encouraged to “shout your abortion,” it’s no surprise that even religious leaders of a certain stripe will try to work pro-abortion messages into the church calendar. A legal challenge to Texas’s new abortion restrictions made its way into the...
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IVF: The Next Battlefield

    Who, me? A fresh-faced symbol of youthful aspiration? So much time have I spent shuffling off this mortal coil that Joe Biden and I could have double-dated at the root beer stand—had that eccentric notion seized either of us. That is how I’ve come to see a lot....
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