
A Distinctive Catholic Vision for Politics

Christians committed to the defense of life and justice have every reason today to feel like strangers in a strange land. Consider the following. In 2016 we endured one of the most divisive national elections on record, in which supporters of each candidate said the other was...
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Photo: Michelle Karen

HOT TOPIC: An Irish Betrayal

  Ireland has been annexed. While centuries of English overlords and overreach could never conquer the brave heart of the singular island on the outskirts of Europe, a wanton desire to be like other nations has worn down the Irish spirit in the land of Patrick. The people...
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The Pro-Life Sincerity—and Irony—of Pope Francis

  Pope Francis perhaps puzzles prolifers. For decades, the Catholic Church supported the pro-life movement both institutionally and philosophically. Francis, however, adopted a critical posture, complaining of Catholics’ “obsession” with abortion. Prolifers have often...
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HOT TOPIC: From Crux—US pro-lifers voice heartbreak; despair over Irish abortion vote

In an interview with Crux, Maria McFadden Maffucci, president of the Human Life Review/ Foundation, described the polling numbers as “shattering.” “Having witnessed the mighty efforts of the Save the 8th campaign in Ireland, I had real hope,” she said. “Rather than the touted...
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HOT TOPIC: Breda O’Brien: If you vote for choice you are facilitating abortions

TODAY, Friday May 25, is the day we see if we can Save the EIGHTH!   Ireland has a far lower rate of abortion than our European neighbours. Either we become a State that subtly nudges women into making life-ending decisions for their babies because of the lack of better...
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Welcome Eurobabies!

Eurostat, the European statistical office, recently released data showing that in 2016 there were 5,148,162 babies born in the European Union, pushing the fertility rate up slightly for the first time in several years. This was good news for an area of the world better known for...
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The Business of Bribery

   Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood. And all the people shall say “Amen” (Deuteronomy 27:25).   It is hard to imagine anyone objecting to the Old Testament forbidding bribery in the service of murder. One would think such a law would be axiomatic in...
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Special Needs, Hidden Treasures

  I mark my calendar a year in advance for the annual Sisters of Life Gala in New York City. If you have been fortunate enough to attend, you understand why. If you haven’t had the opportunity, I encourage you to get there at least once in your life. It’s a magical evening...
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From National Review: Silicon Valley Deletes the Pro-Life Campaign in Ireland

https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/silicon-valley-deletes-the-pro-life-campaign-in-ireland/   This morning Facebook and Google announced policies that restrict advertising on the Eighth Amendment. First Facebook announced that it was taking action against foreign-based...
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Saint Mugg in a Nutshell

  One fine day in October of 1978 I boarded a train that would take me from Waterloo, Ontario, to Toronto. A kind looking lady shared my compartment. Initiating conversation, she told me about her enthusiasm for the writings of Malcolm Muggeridge, an Englishman regarded by...
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