On the Trail of the Giant Pink Bus

Back in the early days of the March for Life, the National Park Service used to issue official estimates of crowd size for any demonstration. Crowd estimates were always contested because the size of a crowd was a measure of the urgency/validity/resonance of an issue. Eventually...
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From Crisis: Reflections on Pro-Life Protest Rhetoric

Today, however, shock and outrage doesn’t serve so well as a rhetorical foundation. The old rhetorical saw “know your audience” applies here. The sooner we realize that the percentage of our target audience (and our movement!) who have never known anything other than legalized...
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Cecile Richards Before Congress: A Failure to Communicate

What we had here was a failure to communicate. Democrats in Congress seem willing to shut down the government to prevent any money being removed from Planned Parenthood in the upcoming Continuing Resolution. Yesterday, Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, testified...
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Our Issue and Their Future

It’s amazing, really, what Congress can do when it puts its mind to it. The question of the day is: What will Speaker of the House John Boehner put his mind to? So far, he’s keeping his cards close to his vest. In the past, the GOP has been accused by some of being only...
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A Defense of Fiorina by Ian Tuttle: (Article & Video)

  Perhaps Marcotte & Co. should actually watch the Planned Parenthood videos. In the seventh video (there are ten available now, by the way, with more to come), at the 5:57 mark, is a baby, post-abortion, lying in a dish — its leg kicking. They will also hear Hol...
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A Tipping Point for Life

  Will the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video campaign depicting wholesale trafficking in fetal body parts be the tipping point for the Planned Parenthood brand in America? Merriam-Webster defines tipping point as “the critical point in a situation, process, or system...
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Mike Lee: US Senator for Utah (video speech)

  “As long as Planned Parenthood’s friends remain mute, I will endeavor to improve upon the silence” Floor Remarks on the Planned Parenthood Scandal, Part 1  
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Undermining the Dignity of Children

  Although groggy from the anesthetic, I clearly remember Dr. Coburn’s words: “Millie, there were six babies. Three died shortly after birth and we don’t expect the others to live. Their lungs are just too premature.” My doctor never gave us the expectation that any of the...
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Cecile Richards: Whom Do You Serve?

  This is the week to contemplate heroes. On the morning of September 11, 2001, I drove into Washington from Springfield, Virginia, and nodded at the Pentagon as I approached the 14th Street Bridge. When I arrived at the office ten minutes later, the receptionist gaspe...
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My August Homework Report

The August homework assignment was to talk to a stranger about the Planned Parenthood videos. I initiated some conversations. Please tell me how you think I did in the comment section below. And please share your own homework stories. My first encounter was with the man sitting...
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