A Letter From Maria

February 25, 2020 Dear Friends, Have we got news! A new matching grant for our donors, and a new editor! That’s just the beginning. In an exciting first for us, a generous donor is offering to match your donations with $2 for every $1 donated up to $40,000 —which means a possible...
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HOT TOPIC: Warren’s ‘Virtue Posturing’ on Abortion Rings Hollow

Maria McFadden Maffucci writes about the latest debate scene It was a startling moment in the frenetic and furious presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., repeated her (questionable) claim that she once lost a job because she became...
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Klopfer ran three different Indiana abortion clinics during his lifetime and performed over 30,000 abortions since he began operating in 1974. Authorities examined each of these clinics and their findings are also detailed in the attorney general’s report, which records Klopfer’s...
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Pro-life and the Coronavirus

  Most people probably have spent at least a little time thinking about how to survive a pandemic or other apocalyptic scenario. We live on a farm, so people regularly tell us they’re heading over to our place should it all hit the fan. I usually smile and change the subjec...
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HOT TOPIC: Shameful Super-Foul Half-time Show

I’m not a prude; I enjoy much of what pop culture has to offer, even when it doesn’t represent the values I hold dear. But this year’s Super Bowl half-time show was repugnant. First up: Shakira, an undoubtedly gifted and ebullient musical performer. But within seconds of her...
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Contrapasso and the Culture of Death

  Dante Alighieri’s 14-century poetic masterpiece The Divine Comedy is not just a work of literary genius—it’s also a spiritual roadmap. Unlike our age of muddy relativism, Dante’s vision is stark. There is good and there is evil. Men and women make a free choice between the...
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What’s in a Name? “Pro-Life” Is Hard to Live Up To

  Your name influences your destiny. So say social scientists and casual observers. In our day, the business of looking to your name to predict your job prospects, or to explain them, or to understand in more general terms who you are or will be in the world, is a subtle and...
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HOT TOPIC: Jayme Metzgar (The Federalist) on 40 Faces We Saw at the 2020 March for Life

A wonderful collection of pictures from this year’s March . . .   https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/26/40-faces-we-saw-at-the-2020-washington-dc-march-for-life/
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When Freedom Is Bondage

  No one really believes in utterly free, unfettered choice. There are good choices and bad choices, and an enduring challenge in life is to know the difference. There are choices that we forbid ourselves and others to make. For instance, I have a legal right to drive my car...
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Abortion as We Know It: Call Me Cynical

  Call me cynical, but when I see a young man marching with an “I Support a Woman’s Right to Choose” sign, there’s little doubt in my mind that he probably only supports a woman’s right to choose as long as she’s choosing abortion. What if this earnest lad came home from the...
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