Prayer and Perseverance

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? Why do you make me see iniquity, and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law is paralyzed, and...
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Bring Back the Ten Commandments!

  In the upstate New York community of Kingston, a synagogue that had fallen into disuse several years ago was sold and converted into a deluxe residence, housing apartments with splendid gardens and scenic views of the Hudson River. Most of the exterior and interior...
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HOT TOPIC: And Then There Were Three

  What is going on in the U.K.? There seems to be a run on ending life-sustaining treatment for the littlest patients. Alfie Evans was born a healthy baby boy. Beautiful and loved, within a few months, his parents started noticing he was very sleepy and wasn’t meeting...
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Why Live in the Barnyard?

Americans are right to complain about rude-and-crude comments by President Trump and other politicians today. We should realize, though, that our entire culture has become much ruder and cruder over several decades. Provocative clothing styles, bathroom and other crude “humor” on...
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From Life News: All But Three Democrats Voted to Allow Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which has strong public support from Republicans and Democrats alike, narrowly failed to pass the U.S. Senate on Monday in a 51-46 vote. The bill needed 60 votes to overcome Democrats’ filibuster. The bill would save as many as 18,000...
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HOT TOPIC (s): The March for Life in Review!

Here’s your “newsroom” for the March for Life 2018 wrap up: Donald Trump (Life News) Full Text of the President’s March for Life Speech Mike Pence (American Full Text of Vice President’s March for Life Speech Paul Ryan ( Full Text of...
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If You’re In, You’re a Baby

  Last week my office held a baby shower for a coworker and his eight-months-pregnant wife. It is their first baby, and there was lots of conversation about the nursery, the childbirth classes—all the usual things. And there was one of those cutesy baby-shower games: On...
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God Sees Her

  “Truly here I have seen him who looks after me” (Genesis 16:13). Recently, I was speaking to a friend over lunch, a woman who has given herself to what we might call the issues of life, particularly abortion and euthanasia/assisted suicide. Speaking of our culture’s...
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Ohio Outlaws Death by Discrimination

  Imagine a conversation in which one executive confides to another something like this: “I don’t really want to hire that African-American guy,” says exec No. 1. “I understand, buddy, but legally we can’t reject a person based on race,” replies exec No. 2. “Geez. What do we...
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HOT TOPIC: From NRO’s The Corner: Pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Why should we care about this Act? It mandates, for instance, that any child born alive be transported to a hospital instead of remaining in the care of the abortionist. –Alexandra Desanctis Read more at:...
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