Truth Has Stumbled

  Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter (Isaiah 59:14).  “My body, my choice” has been chanted by abortion advocates for as long as I can remember. So it is somewhat jarring, at...
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Brilliant New Book on Women’s Rights

Pro-life feminist scholar Erika Bachiochi has written a brilliant new book, The Rights of Woman: Reclaiming a Lost Vision. In it, she sheds new light on the eminently deserving but under-celebrated thinker, the English philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft, whose 1792 book A...
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Humanize: Wesley Smith’s Exceptional New Venture

In this age of constant shouting of opposing talking points, it is refreshing to listen to actual discussions and respectful dialogue about the most crucial issues of our time.
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Pro-Life Together

At its core, the pro-life movement is about extending the protection of the law to unborn children. But prolifers should still care about winning over the hearts and minds of those who don’t share this commitment, not least because broad sympathy for the pro-life cause will help...
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Listening to the Heartbeat of the Pro-life Movement — Catholic World Report

Our good friend and Human Life Review contributor, Edward Short, has written an engaging profile of the Review for the Catholic World Report, Listening to the Heartbeat of the Pro-Life Movement.  In it,  he also asks your servant about the Texas Heartbeat act, and the prolife...
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Free Will, Faith, and . . . Abortion?

  We live in a world of contradictions when it comes to many things of great importance in life. Whether we realize it or not, faith in God is the most important aspect of our lives. Since God put us on planet Earth, and God will call us back to himself when our life here...
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Questions and Concerns About the Texas Abortion Statute

Saving lives is always a paramount objective. But we have to make sure that when we do that, we don’t sacrifice our principles and create other grave harms.
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Prayers of the Faithful

In many contemporary churches, the liturgy of the Eucharist includes a time of intercession for the church and the world. Called by various names, including “Prayers of the Faithful” and “Prayers of the People,” these intercessions are the portion of the liturgy most likely to...
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The Reality of Suicide and Suicidal Thinking

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I am pleased to have as my guest commentator Leticia Ochoa Adams. Leticia was born and raised in rural Texas south of San Antonio and recently graduated with a BA in Philosophy from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. She...
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Standing Tall, Feeling Small

I’ve been fingerprinted several times, from our international adoption to TSA Pre-Check. There’s nothing like it for making me feel clumsy—my hands are not my own as someone else rolls my fingers this way and that—or for making me feel like a criminal when I’ve done nothing...
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