GEN C (clusters of cells)

  The Greatest Generation (b. 1901 to 1927) earned its name for fighting WWII. The Silent Generation (b. 1928 to 1945)—aka the Traditionalist Generation—produced the “Silent Majority,” who refrained from publicly expressing their thoughts on “sex, religion, and politics.”...
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Why Think Witches?

  Telekinesis is described as the ability to move inanimate objects at will. Proving it in a laboratory setting is problematic. People who claim they have the ability usually can’t say how they do it and have difficulty managing it, which means it can’t be reliably...
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The Chaste Man’s Casting Couch

  The “casting couch” is code for men in positions of authority in Hollywood and on Broadway using their power to extract sex from aspiring actresses in exchange for acting roles. Call it rape with a bow on it. Psychobabblers tell us rape is about power, not sex. Bullocks....
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Web of Lies

  The preposterous idea that someone too senile to be a candidate is none-the-less fit to serve as president (have your 25th Amendment and eat it too) is a building block in the Democratic Party’s new Lego–like creation—an American electoral system engineered to fit their...
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Choose Your Weapon

  In the ’80s a tiny article tucked away in the corner of my morning newspaper caught my eye and my imagination. It was about how scientists were experimenting with taking eggs from two separate cows, combining them in a petri dish and then, using a process that would leave the...
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Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

  The only thing I find even creepier than the women at abortion rights rallies whose faces are so distorted with rage they look like fugitives from a de Kooning painting are the ones who link arms and virtually dance the Irish jig because they’ve succeeded in enshrining...
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Taking Back the Women’s Movement: Remarks

When I look out on the pro-choice landscape something about women’s behavior rings false.  It’s so… Butch!  It’s as if abortion is something to claim, plant a flag in and then raise your fist in victory.  Isn’t that a Guy Thing?  It seems the strategy of...
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Don’t Go Tell It on the Mountain

  “The Portal” is an art installation in a plaza next to the Flatiron Building in New York. It’s connected to another one in Dublin on O’Connell Street, the Irish capital’s main thoroughfare. Each one has a big round screen and a video camera so people in both cities can...
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Not Your Grandmother’s Abortion

  False advertising is nothing new. From hyperactive snake oil salesmen pitching toxic “health” tonics from the back of horse-drawn wagons to modern day “melt away the fat” diet scams on the internet, for as long as there has been something to sell, there have been deceitful...
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Tinker Bell Rides Again

  There’s a new pro-abortion placard being waved at rallies. It reads: My Mind My Choice (italics theirs). Perhaps a defensive tactic against the pro-life “winning hearts and minds” strategy (proving increasingly overly optimistic considering the apparent shortage of hearts and...
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