The Forgotten Rebellion against Abortion in the Early Christian Church

  Ever since Christianity was born from the blood of Jesus Christ, it has preached the revolutionary view that each human being is given value by God and deserves respect and protection. From the beginning, this revolutionary view has motivated men and women of faith to...
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The New York State Equal Rights Amendment and Religious Liberty

  In November 2024, the voters of New York State will determine whether an “Equal Rights Amendment” is added to the state constitution. The stated goal of this amendment is to ban unjust discrimination based on a broad variety of classes and characteristics. Despite this...
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My Controversial Choice to Become Pro-life

  Veteran journalist Nat Hentoff, our Great Defender of Life honoree in 2005, is a selfprofessed atheist who believes as strongly as fervent religious believers do in the inviolability of human life. In the 1980s Hentoff, a nationally known columnist reporting on abuses of...
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Philosophy, Osmosis, and Abortion

  Philosophy is the active pursuit of truth. It is not a haphazard collection of ideas. Nor is it the uncritical acceptance of someone else’s set of ideas. Philosophy presupposes two virtues that are rarely combined in the same person: a modesty, untainted by the ego, which...
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The Untold Struggle of Post-Abortive Women

I. Introduction The loss of a baby in pregnancy, whether from miscarriage or abortion, is grievous. That grief can remain for months or even years, and can fester into significant mental health disorders. In the case of miscarriage, society at large recognizes that because of a...
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Ghosts on the Great Lawn

  You know Erma Bombeck, and how funny she can be. Millions read her syndicated newspaper column regularly. But sometimes she’s not funny. One of her own favorite columns is reprinted from time to time, when she’s on vacation. Thus, last summer, her fans saw again her sober...
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Human Heart and Brain Development

    From its inception when sperm and egg fuse to the pinnacle of adulthood, human life develops according to the intricate craftsmanship of a divine Creator. The unfolding of cells into diverse tissues and the orchestration of complex structures into their correct...
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Personalism as the Fullest Response to the Flawed Anthropology of the Sexual Revolution and Identity Politics

    Two of the most pervasive cultural ills of our time, identity politics and the fallout from the sexual revolution, are best understood if we consider them deeply intertwined. Both of these problems flow from the same disordered font, a flawed anthropology that views...
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A Makeover in Human Understanding?

They got me, they got me—and dead to rights, I must acknowledge. I am identified by the management as a Human Life Review friend and contributor of goodness-knows-how-many-years’ standing: grateful to be standing anywhere at this stage of life, in which the competence of people...
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The Road Uphill After Dobbs

  “Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end.” —Christina Rossetti, “Up-Hill” Since I first encountered the poem “Up-Hill” in my teens, these lines never fail to come to mind when life hits a rough patch. In the post-Dobbs, postmodernist, and increasingly...
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