An Old Thomistic Joke

  Two followers of St. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy walk into a bar to discuss the sad state of the world, trying to outdo one another in describing the greatest evils. They finally arrive at what seems like the worst person doing the most horrible deed, a Kermit Gosnell...
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When the Church is silent, we have forgotten who we are (When the Church is Silent #1 of 10)

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Exod 20:2). The Lord constantly reminds His people of who He is. In the Old Testament, the Lord instituted the Passover as an annual reminder that He delivered Israel from slavery. In...
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HOT TOPIC: A Win for Life in Argentina!

VICTORY! Argentina Defeats Legislation to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions
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Rediscovering that Rare, Beautiful Thing: The Summer Argument

It was the perfect mid-summer headline: “Terror as Amusement Park Ride Unable to Stop.” Our worst nightmare is not strange aliens, nuclear annihilation, the bizarre, or the fantastical. It is that we are doomed to live in the small space of our own vision; condemned to remain...
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Rest in Peace, Moy Moy

  While we mourn the loss of Moy Moy, the dear daughter of our great friend and contributor, Jo McGowan Chopra, we also celebrate her life. Moy Moy was adopted as a tiny, premature baby by Jo and her husband Ravi, who had two biological children at home. She wrote about the...
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Humanae Vitae At 50

On July 25, Catholics worldwide marked the fiftieth anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae vitae (Of Human Life). Written in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, Humanae vitae was intended to consider whether the “Pill”—a newly developed contraceptive that suppressed...
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Shedding Light on Depression’s Darkness

On June 9th, at the end of the week in which both designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain died by suicide, I wrote a Facebook post: It’s been an emotionally wrenching week in many ways. As a woman who struggles with anxiety, phobias, and once (blessedly only once...
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“Please Stop, before It’s Too Late.”

  My community is among those in Appalachia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania hit hard by opioid abuse. The emergency medical technicians tell me they get from one to three overdose calls daily. Rarely does a month go by without a funeral for some young or middle-aged man, or...
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HOT TOPIC: The Rise of the Abortion Cheerleaders (National Review)   Is abortion a sad and unfortunate reality — regrettable, as we are sometimes told, but often necessary — or is it a breezy nothingburger, completely “normal,” and something...
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Life in Crisis

Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy” (Psalm 86:1). Years ago, pregnancy care centers were typically called “crisis pregnancy centers.” I am not sure why most centers dropped the term “crisis,” but I suspect it had something to do with letting women...
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