“A Conversation on Roe v. Wade”—Encounter Books Panel Discussion

On November 18th, Encounter Books hosted “A Conversation on Roe v. Wade,” a panel discussion focusing on Clarke Forsythe’s highly acclaimed book, Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade. Readers of the Human Life Review are likely to recall that Forsythe was honored...
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Book Blog: Eric Metaxas on Miracles

  Eric Metaxas, who, along with his wife Susanne, was honored as a Human Life Foundation Great Defender of Life (2013), has a new book out, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your life. Metaxas is the author of the NY Times best-selling...
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Greg Pfundstein talks with NRO’s Kathryn Lopez about Cuomo’s re-election

Chiaroscuro PAC is here to stay. At the Chiaroscuro Foundation, we will continue to work to build consensus that New York needs sensible restrictions on abortion, and Chiaroscuro PAC will continue to work to build the political coalition to make that possible. –G.P. Read...
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Mourning Brittany Maynard: from Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

read Christopher White’s powerful piece here: Is Brittany Maynard’s death a tradgedy for medicine?
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Defining Down the Deviance of Abortion

New: from The Catholic World Report: Anne Hendershott explains how the language is changing to obscure the real nature of killing unborn human beings. Read Here: http://www.catholicworldreport.com/Blog/3491/defining_down_the_deviance_of_abortion.aspx
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Abortion Provider Comes to Queens, NY

Planned Parenthood has a global and national presence; being well-funded, it seeks to provide its “services” at more and more locations. Not content with over 700 “health centers” throughout the United States, the organization recently broke ground for the construction of a $9...
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Light in the Dark: Bringing Abortion Healing to Women Prisoners

Marjorie Long, the site leader of Rachel’s Vineyard for the Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, is not one to back down from a challenge. In 2010, while attending a national conference in Malvern, Penn., she heard Rachel’s Vineyard founder Theresa Burke urge site leaders to go...
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NRO Article: “Saluting Young Pro-Lifers”

Once again, Maria McFadden Maffucci is telling it like it is to the press—this time to NRO, about the pro-life movement’s hope in youth. The unborn have become an expendable class of humans; their worth is completely dependent on how their mothers feel about permitting them...
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Maria McFadden Maffucci Interview: October 2014

Stella Morabito interviews Maria for this hard-hitting piece in the Federalist:   http://thefederalist.com/2014/10/21/human-life-review-forty-years-of-fighting-for-human-life-and-dignity/   In the early days of Roe, people would ask: “who can say when life begins?”...
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