NEWSworthy: Iowa lawmakers pass fetal heartbeat abortion ban—Iowa lawmakers ban abortion after six weeks: *UPDATE BELOW ARTICLE*

  Iowa lawmakers passed a “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban on July 11, banning abortion after six weeks’ gestation. The state’s Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed the bill into law Friday. “The measure,” NBC reports, “includes exceptions for the life of the woman,...
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FDA Approval of Opill Reveals Our Birth Control Blind-Spot

    In an unsurprising move, the FDA announced Thursday that it has officially approved the Opill, a progestin-only birth control pill, for over-the-counter use (OTC) for all women of reproductive age. It will be the first hormonal birth control pill ever to be sold...
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God’s Children Are Not for Sale

  This is a short post to encourage you to go to see the recently-released movie Sound of Freedom. The story recounts the work of Tim Ballard, who heads up Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that rescues children sold into sex slavery and brings the perpetrators...
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Looking at This Fall’s Elections

    As we mark the first anniversary of Dobbs, it’s important to prepare for this fall’s off-year elections. Roe caught pro-lifers off-guard in 1973 because, prior to that decision, abortion policy had been fought out almost exclusively at the state level. Roe suddenly...
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The Power of Perseverance

    The celebration of Independence Day, the Fourth of July, reminds all Americans of the many blessings we have received as a nation. Freedom from Great Britain was won by the heroic persistence of the Continental Army led by General George Washington, and through the...
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Study: Most women don’t want abortion

    Pro-abortion advocates like to frame their position as “pro-choice,” as if women can easily decide whether or not they want to have an abortion. But for many women who go through with abortion, the decision wasn’t really their choice at all, according to a new...
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Sheep and Shepherds

    In a rural stretch of East Africa, where I lived for two years, I once observed the fate of a flock of sheep without their shepherd. It was market day, and whoever was tending them had wandered off, distracted by the abundant produce temptingly spread across the...
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Progress, a Blue Wall, Swing States, and the Pillar of Civil Rights

    In the year since the Dobbs decision, the battle over protecting unborn children has become a state-by-state issue. Tremendous progress has been made. But it is going to be much more difficult to make further gains. To understand why, we have to look at the map and...
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We Are Not Our Own

  Throughout the United States, and in major urban areas around the world, June is “Pride Month,” with parades to celebrate the movement that began with the “gay liberation” protests of 1969. “Pride” is now endorsed by leaders of government at every level as well as major...
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Kansas is Sued Over Abortion Waiting Periods, Medication: Here’s what it All Means

  A new lawsuit filed by abortion activists in Kansas gives us a good look at the multi-layered complexity of abortion law after the Dobbs decision. After Dobbs and the elimination of any special federal constitutional right to an abortion, defending unborn life became a...
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