The Answer to Roe is Nuremberg

  In the twentieth century, transgression outstripped the framework of crime. The maddest dreams of the maddest men of the past could never have conjured up the horrors of modern mass killing—Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Buchenwald. It was in numb recognition of the inability of...
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What to Make of Mark Houck’s Arrest

Many years ago, when I was a federal prosecutor, I understood that one of the worst things that can happen to a person is to come to the attention of a federal prosecutor. Mark Houck, a pro-life leader and founder of the Catholic men’s ministry The King’s Men, is now...
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Ross Douthat (Convergent Books, 2021, hardcover, 224 pages, $26; Kindle $14.95) Reviewed by Brian Caulfield _________________________________________________________________ Halfway through this book, I called a friend who has had Lyme disease for more than four years. “Do you,”...
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What We Owe the Dead

One of my life’s defining moments occurred before I could read the back of a cereal box. I was four years old, too young to tie my own shoes, when I stood on tiptoes and looked into my father’s casket. He was just thirty seven. His bipolar disorder had overcome his brilliant...
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How Planned Parenthood Lets Women Down

Dr. Leana Wen had just lost her baby. It was a hard blow during a difficult season of her life. As then-president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Wen was struggling with bureaucrats who didn’t share her vision for the organization. They’d criticized her,...
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Assisted Suicide Implicated in Suicide Crisis

Suicides are now at crisis levels. The number of people who kill themselves in the United States has risen 30 percent since 2000. Indeed, so great is the number that, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide has become one of the country’s leading...
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Little Girls in Older Bodies

  At the altar rail to receive Communion, she knelt, with intention that might not have been so obvious a decade or two ago. Looking up at me, she held out her hands, and then wiggled her fingers to show off her sparkly new manicure. She was a grandmother, but in that moment...
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Abortion, Simone Biles, and the Autonomous Self

After the close of the 2020-21 Olympics, the gymnast Simone Biles, who identifies as Catholic, took to her Instagram account to declare herself “prochoice” regarding the issue of abortion. The news, as they say, went around the world—instantly. In that announcement Miss Biles...
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The Pro-life Movement’s Place in History

There are only a handful of political/social/cultural movements in American history that labored for 50 years or more to arrive at success. The first was abolition, which procured freedom for slaves but only after a bloody civil war. Next the suffragette movement opened the...
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Judge blocks Indiana’s abortion ban

A judge in Indiana blocked the state’s abortion ban on Thursday, creating a setback for the state’s pro-life movement. The Hoosier State’s legislature voted in early August to tighten abortion restrictions following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. The new law...
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