Baseball for All

  Just when the nation seems to be teetering on the edge of political and cultural inanity, with one side defending what the other seeks to undo, there comes bipartisan news: Pitchers and catchers are warming up at baseball training camps in Florida and Arizona. Though it...
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Saved But Not Yet Safe

  I recently read Carmen Joy Imes’s Bearing God’s Name, an accessible, albeit somewhat academic meditation on the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai. This is just my sort of thing, both meditative and intellectual, biblical and gentle. During the course of the book, Imes...
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NEWSworthy: The US Rejects ‘International Right to Abortion.’ Surrogacy Should Be Next

  The United States rejoined the Geneva Consensus Declaration on Jan. 24. What’s that, you ask?  The declaration is a statement, originally sponsored by the United States in 2020, that was eventually endorsed by 35-plus countries. Its signatories declare that they support...
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NEWSworthy: After Teenager is Coerced into Abortion, New York Shields Abortionists from Liability

  New York Gov. Kathy Hochul last week signed into law a bill to protect abortionists. The passage of the law, which will allow physicians to remove their names from prescriptions for abortion-inducing drugs, is in response to a grand jury indictment of Dr. Margaret...
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Notes on Pro-Choice Disinformation 

  Pro-choicers claim that “science does not know when life begins.” The conceptus, they say, is “a parasite or a tumor,” or “a potential life, part of the woman’s body.” This is not true. The term “fertilized egg” is shorthand for a single-celled human being that has a sex...
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NEWSworthy: Trump Unravels Biden-Era Abortion Extremism

  President Donald Trump’s first term boasted so many pro-life victories that he has been called the most pro-life president in American history. Despite this, his lackluster pro-life support and promises on the 2024 campaign trail concerned many pro-life advocates....
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Twinned Injustices

  Just a few days into his newly minted presidency, Donald Trump, amid a flurry of executive orders, pardoned twenty-three pro-life prisoners of conscience. With a few strokes of a pen, Trump freed Bevelyn Beatty Williams, a wife and mother from Tennessee; Eva Edl, a...
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NEWSworthy: A Symphony of Hope: Reflections on the March for Life

  On the morning of the March for Life, my alarm clock was a tiny bird outside my window, belting out the crispest notes she could hit. The bird should still have been sleeping as the temperature was below freezing outside. But instead, she was flooding the sky with her...
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Hitting the Snooze Button on the Biological Clock

  Lushi, a new startup that offers in-home or telehealth visits from fertility technicians to assist in hormone injections for women going through the egg-freezing process, is named after a breed of chicken that lays a limited number of blue eggs. Apparently, it was launched...
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The Taming of the Ultrasound

  Forty years ago, Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s documentary film, The Silent Scream, promised/threatened to redefine the discussion of abortion. While Leenart Nilsson’s 1965 Life magazine photo essay had pulled back the uterine veil, Silent Scream, using ultrasound images,...
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