Incrementalism and History
In a recent blog post entitled “Incrementalism is a Losing Strategy”, pro-life activist Bernadette Patel takes a pessimistic view of the current political climate. She particularly criticizes the strategy of passing imperfect laws like 15-week bans.
Her assessment of the unfavorable political situation in our country is arguably correct, and I totally share her disapproval of the national Republican Party’s abandonment of pro-life goals. But I disagree with her reading of history and what it tells us about the way to build successful movements to reform unjust laws.
In arguing for a rejection of incrementalism, Ms. Patel states that “many rights movements were born in the late 60s and early 70s (think women’s rights, civil rights, gay rights).” This is simply historically incorrect, as can be seen when we look at the example of the civil rights movement. This is very important for us to understand, because the lessons of history are crucial to the success of our movement.
The modern iteration of the civil rights movement traces its history back to the early 20th century. Earlier versions, of course, existed from the time of the American Revolution through Reconstruction. For example, the NAACP dates from 1909 and other organizations like the Urban League and other groups were founded during the same general time frame.
They advanced their goals by incremental steps over the course of decades, such as federal anti-lynching bills (repeatedly passed by the House as early as 1922 but blocked by Southern Democrats in the Senate), anti-segregation litigation (beginning in the 1930’s and culminating in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954), the passage of state civil rights laws (like New York’s in 1945) and federal civil rights laws (in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1968). Those are a lot of incremental steps.
Civil rights activists were dogged and persistent over decades, despite many defeats and stalemates. Nobody ever doubted their commitment to the ultimate goal of full equality. The same can be said of every single morally-motivated political movement in the history of the United States — like abolition, prohibition, and women’s suffrage, as well as the other examples cited by Ms. Patel.
A fair reading of history demonstrates that every successful reform movement in American history relied on the incremental approach. With only a few exceptions, every major leader of those movements has endorsed that strategy – from Frederick Douglas to Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Ida B. Wells to Thurgood Marshall to Martin Luther King. All of them collaborated with pragmatic politicians like Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, and Lyndon Johnson, who took important small steps forward that led to further successes.
Contrary to Ms. Patel’s reading of history, an absolutist no-compromises strategy has never succeeded in American history (with the sole arguable exception of the Civil War). People like William Lloyd Garrison, the advocate for “immediate and complete emancipation” of slaves, had very limited actual success. Others like Malcolm X eventually learned that their “by any means necessary” approach was ineffective and changed their tactics. Thank God we have never had politicians like Oliver Cromwell or Maximilian Robespierre who strove to bring about an immediate change of regime – with disastrous effects.
While I am very sympathetic to noble resistance in the style of Leo Tolstoy and Dorothy Day, I am not convinced that their approach can accomplish much unless accompanied by hard-headed pragmatic politics.
The pro-life movement is pursuing the same incremental approach as every one of those efforts. It is true that some states may backslide this year through ballot initiatives this fall, and that the number of abortions has not fallen. But abortion is virtually abolished in almost half the states, as a result of incremental legislation adopted over the last few decades.
The incremental approach is obviously not perfect, and it is frustrating in its imperfection. But it works as bringing about progress towards the ultimate goal of equal justice for unborn human beings, a goal that is shared by all in our movement.
What aided the success of women’s rights, civil rights, and gay rights is that in each instance people had something to gain. Women first gained the right to vote, then it devolved into gaining autonomy alas via the false promise of abortion, civil rights gained protection under the law, and social advancement. Gay rights first had to gain popularity, which was achieved by making it hip and okay even if you were straight, so people gained by being considered sophisticated and “secure in their own sexuality.” Convincing folks to be anti-abortion means they have to give something precious up, namely the exit strategy needed to enjoy the free-love sexual revolution. No law can make that happen. It needs hearts and minds inspired by something so great it takes us out of ourselves, historically the province of the church, but people have lost trust and confidence in it. Who’s fault is that?
The absolutist argument, when it comes to defending a human person, is the only argument. Politics is the art of the possible, but superseding that is the inalienable right to life of a person who is created in the mage and likeness of God. The day the pro-life movement entered the political arena to battle over how to regulate abortion is the day the pro-life movement lost. Politics and God’s creation do not belong in the same sentence, let alone the same strategy.
But in incrementalism babies still die and abortionists cut from satans cloth are liars and deceivers so they break the rules. Abolish abortion, end it and end the murder of humans in the womb. And turning it over to the states doesnt work when there are bloodthirsty governors that implement legislative rules that continue the genocide. I have one in the current democrat vice president candidate and after the courts gave abortion back to the states, because he had a democrat house and senate here in minneslowta, we now have full term abortions. I do believe we have also had at least 5 babies that were left to die after coming full term. The murder goes on, do not be deceived. And dont forget the abortion pills being sold through he mail and over the counter.satan is such a deceiver. Call for abolition of this horrible stench in Gods nostrils.