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On Opening Up This Summer

  Now that the COVID-19 crisis is rapidly subsiding due to widespread vaccinations and the increasing likelihood of herd immunity, people are returning to socializing. How refreshing it is to be with old and new friends at parties, sports events, and in church. Man is a...
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The Banners We Raise

State endorsement of Christianity (or any religion) is naturally temporary. Trends come and go, and with them all forms of tolerance—or intolerance. Yet Christians today seem to take comfort in perceiving ourselves to be in (secular) power; we should not.
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Oppression in the Name of Equality

  The Equality Act (H.R.5), which attaches sexual orientation and gender identity to civil rights laws, would be devastating if implemented. Not necessarily for the church, for despite the threat to religious liberty it poses, the church will press on. The Lord has always...
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Photo 5409859 / Memorial Day © Margie Hurwich |

Memorial Day 2021

  Memorial Day is a time for Americans to remember other Americans who, to put it in idealistic terms, gave their lives in the service of freedom in this world. However, while remembering those who died for the sake of freedom, we are bound to recall others who have gone on...
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IVF injection

The Trinity and Babies

  Classic Christian trinitarian doctrine is expressed by analogy with a distinction drawn from common human experience. Here’s the distinction: There are many things that people make—physical items (houses, say) as well as intellectual ones (musical compositions). And then...
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Photo 180091601 / Defeat © Thomas Reimer |

In God’s Good Time

  What do you do when it feels like you’re losing? For decades, anxiety over imminent defeat has challenged the pro-life movement, nudging us into self-defeating attitudes and behaviors. Prolifers who want to be faithful to our cause might draw some inspiration from pop...
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Affirming the Divine Dimension of Every Human Life

  On May 13, forty days after Easter Sunday, most of the Christian world celebrates Ascension Day. Then begin the nine days leading up to Pentecost, the climax of the Easter season. These nine days, when the disciples prayed together in Jerusalem, are called the “Great Novena,”...
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Love as Prelude to Persuasion

I served for 11 years as a chaplain in the United States Naval Reserve. Chaplains’ school consisted of a seven-week training program at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. One of the lessons we learned was how to carry on “deck-plate ministry.” Chaplains were instructed to get...
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The Names We Give

  I have taught in schools, seminaries, and churches all my adult life. My first job was as babysitter to my cousins, followed by nursery attendant at my church. My first job after college was teaching pre-school, where I was assigned immediately to the beleaguered...
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On the Storming of the Capitol: No to Political Violence. Yes to Civil Society

  The one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church strives to serve the Gospel of Life. Remember that the Gospel of Life is simply the Gospel, and that the Gospel is simply the Gospel of Life. (St. John Paul II and Rev. Richard John Neuhaus often reminded us of that.) Political...
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