Timing Is Everything: The Birth of the Pill

THE BIRTH OF THE PILL:How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution by Jonathan Eig (Norton, 2014)   I asked Jonathan Eig why he wrote this book, as his other biographies are about Al Capone, Lou Gehrig, and Jackie Robinson. “My wife said I should write a book...
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Premature Infants Surviving At 22 Weeks—Not Good News to Everybody

  The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) reported May 7 that with aggressive treatment a quarter of premature infants now born at 22 weeks (i.e., five months) survive. This is good news: Medical research and scientific advances increasingly are making it possible to save...
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Anesthesia as a Prelude to Killing: A Backdoor Humanization of the Unborn?

“Should we give fetuses painkillers before we abort them?” That’s the title of Jeff Guo’s March 26 Washington Post report on a bill subsequently passed by the Montana Legislature stipulating that any abortion performed after 20 weeks (five months) be preceded by anesthetization...
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Whatever Works: Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs, and Structural Biases

 “…our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn’t cling to and can indeed jettison . . . rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity.” Thus spake Frank Bruni in an April 3 op-ed...
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A Job Well Done

The big brouhaha about Sex Trafficking and the Hyde Amendment is finally over in the U.S. Senate. Yesterday the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act unanimously passed—with the Hyde Amendment language firmly intact. The leaders of the pro-life side deserve credit all around:...
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The Human Life Review

Understanding Coalitions

From time to time I detect an undertone of dissatisfaction from prolifers who don’t like to hear our issue identified as “conservative” or “Republican.” And I wonder: Why should prolifers think it undesirable that our movement is strong enough to be a coalition partner with one...
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“There are no fetal rights!”

It is well known in the pro-life movement that the pro-choice/anti-life lobby at the United Nations has been advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights for many years. The organizations that promote this agenda behave like termites, working to erode and demolish...
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Welcome to 2016

CBS News came out with a new poll last weekend, this one about who Americans would consider voting for as President. Compared to February, Jeb and Rand and Ted and Marco and Scott are up, and so on. Hillary is unchanged and Martin O’Malley is up. But that sort of data will change...
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Life, Sex, and Religion: It All Matters in Washington, D.C.

 The battle over abortion is merging into the battle for religious freedom on another front: In the nation’s capital, religious freedom is being attacked in the name of “reproductive health decisions.” The City Council has enacted a Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act,...
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Playing the Racist Card Against the Hyde Amendment

It is a measure of the effectiveness of the pro-life movement that life issues increasingly are co-mingled with other ones. Right now, in the U.S. Senate, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (S. 178) is being held up for a second week because pro-aborts want to use it to...
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