Pro-Aborts Don’t Understand that Elections Have Consequences

There’s a big brouhaha right now in the U. S. Senate over the human trafficking bill. The spin is: “a warm fuzzy inter-party cooperation is being fractured because those evil pro-lifers are holding hostage a wonderful bill to help the victims of human trafficking.” That is...
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Trans-Species Organ Farming: The Good, the Bad, and the Creepy

There is a shortage of organs available for transplantation.Estimates are that 123,000 people in the U.S. are in need of a transplant, and about 21 people die each day waiting for one. The art and science of transplantation is so advanced as to be routine. Science sees the...
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How Not to Fight the Campaign for Legal Murder

The speed on the Slippery Slope is accelerating. And our side is fighting it with our hands tied behind our backs. Earlier this month, Canada’s Supreme Court opened the door to doctor-prescribed death throughout the country by ordering Parliament to write a bill legalizing ...
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Rest in Peace, Dr. John C. Willke, M.D.

Dr. John C. Willke, M.D., reposed quietly in the Lord on Friday, February 20. He was born in 1926, served in World War II, and then went to medical school.  Jack Willke was an obstetrician happily delivering babies and building his own family in Cincinnati when he became...
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The Polish press reports another instance of in vitro fertilization (IVF) gone amuck: a little girl born to a woman who subsequently discovered she was not her genetic mother. The child was born, apparently in August 2014, to a 30-year-old woman in Szczecin province along the...
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ObamaCare’s Next Act: King v. Burwell

King v. Burwell? Never heard of it?  You may soon. On March 4 the Supreme Court will hear the case. The question before the justices is: What did Congress really mean when it wrote the ObamaCare law? You know, the erroneously-named “Affordable Care Act” (ACA), aka ObamaCare.  The...
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Elections Have Consequences

Connie Marshner In the wake of the recent disappointment with Congress’ failure to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act—which would ban abortion at 20 weeks, the age at which it’s been determined an unborn child can feel pain—it’s nice to remember there’s a big...
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Universal Neo-Malthusianism, Ideological Colonization and the Pope’s Rabbits

Papal exchanges on long distance flights have certain reporters salivating. Ever since the Holy Father’s famous remark, “Who am I to judge?” (taken out of context), uttered in the summer of 2013 on the way back to Rome from World Youth Day in Rio, reporters have waited anxiously...
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Red Flags and Consolation Prizes: January 22, 2015

The day ended OK. But it sure raised some red flags. Early in the morning on March Day (today, January 22), pro-lifers woke up to a kick in the solar plexus with the news that the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act had been pulled from the House Calendar late the night before....
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History Will Be Made on Thursday

As Marchers for Life will be stomping their feet and blowing on their hands to keep warm next Thursday, inside the U. S. Capitol something unprecedented will be happening. To begin with, the 114th Congress will actually be in session (as I recall, more frequently than not they...
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