Reality is Prolife: Keynote address by Rev. Victor Lee Austin

So when we are talking about the prolife “message” breaking through in our culture, what we are talking about is reality breaking through in various cultural products.
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Evelyn Waugh’s Displaced Persons

  “Throughout the early Middle Ages the monks were regarded by their lay contemporaries as the intercessors for the rest of society, divided against those who gave it livelihood by toil and those who defended it by arms. The monasteries therefore were not endowed solely as...
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Tearing Us Apart: A Resource for Reshaping the Abortion Landscape

NATION FACES CHANGED ABORTION LANDSCAPE —Headline, the New York Times, June 26, 2022   Sure enough? The Times, the Times!—America’s narrow-eyed bearer of meat-slab tidings and truths wouldn’t tickle us under the chin with a feather, would it, hoping to provoke a giggl...
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TWO BOOK REVIEWS: Help Her to Be Brave and What the Bible Says About Abortion

    HELP HER TO BE BRAVE: DISCOVER YOUR PLACE IN THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT Amy Ford (Chicago: Moody Publishers, paperback, 208 pp., 2021, $14.99. Also available as e-book; on-line publisher discounts.) & WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT ABORTION, EUTHANASIA AND END-OF-LIFE...
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The Story of Jane Redux

    In the 1960s, a group of radical feminists and other left-wing activists in Chicago began connecting women whom they encountered in their political work with an African American physician in Woodlawn, on the south side of the University of Chicago campus. This...
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TWO BOOK REVIEWS: Survivor and Speaking for the Unborn

  SURVIVOR: AN ABORTION SURVIVOR’S SURPRISING STORY OF CHOOSING FORGIVENESS AND FINDING REDEMPTION Claire Culwell with Lois and Steve Rabey (Waterbrook/Multnomah Books, 2021, paperback, 189 pages, $17.00, ebook, $11.99) SPEAKING FOR THE UNBORN: 30-SECOND PRO-LIFE REBUTTALS...
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