Planned Parenthood’s ‘Lack of Resources’ Endangers Women While Organization Spends Millions on Abortion Activism

  Planned Parenthood, an organization celebrated among the pro-abortion Left for “championing women’s rights,” is imploding its own narrative. Nationwide, clinics are sinking in lawsuits — and occasionally sewage. Even the New York Times admits as much. In a recent exposé on...
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Planned Parenthood of Illinois Closes Four Centers . . . That Don’t Offer Abortions

    Planned Parenthood of Illinois plans to close four of its facilities, but only locations that do not provide abortions. The abortion giant blamed an “uncertain patient care landscape,” according to WTTW. The news outlet also reported that Planned Parenthood has...
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Planned Parenthood Sold Six-Month Aborted Fetuses to University of California San Diego

    Planned Parenthood provided aborted fetuses to the University of California San Diego under a contract recently obtained by the Center for Medical Progress. Pro-life investigative journalist David Daleiden recently published the contract, which shows the abortion...
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Cecile Richards: One of “Us”?

  In late January former Planned Parenthood director Cecile Richards revealed in a New York Magazine interview that she is battling glioblastoma, an “incurable brain cancer for which the median survival rate is 15 months.” On reading the news I immediately began praying for...
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How Planned Parenthood Lets Women Down

Dr. Leana Wen had just lost her baby. It was a hard blow during a difficult season of her life. As then-president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Wen was struggling with bureaucrats who didn’t share her vision for the organization. They’d criticized her,...
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Planned Parenthood to Spend $50 Million on Midterm Elections

  The midterm elections this fall will determine whether many states can implement further abortion restrictions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. A legislature made up of pro-life politicians could be the difference between life-saving laws and maintaining...
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Saying One Thing and Doing Another

  In mid-October, I drove from my home in North Carolina to attend a board meeting of UMAction— the United Methodist desk at the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington, DC. The night before the meeting, I bunked as usual at a Motel 6 located a mile north of Union...
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The “Poisonous Fruit” of Planned Parenthood

A New York Times op ed (April 17) declares in its headline: “I’m Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder.” And yet, Alexis McGill Johnson, president and chief executive of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America,  spends much of her column doing...
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Turning Point, or Eternal Return?

  In 2015, when the Center for Medical Progress released undercover videos revealing Planned Parenthood’s illegal side business in selling fetal-body parts, I thought the abortion giant was finished. Recorded by pro-life journalist David Daleiden, the videos were so shocking...
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