NEWSworthy: France Constitutionally Enshrines Abortion

    On March 4 I received an Apple News alert on my phone. There was an image of the Eiffel Tower lit up and a headline noting, “France Becomes First Country in World to Enshrine Abortion in Constitution.” The historic landmark was lit up with the words, “My Body, My...
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  The following letter involves fictional characters and circumstances. It is written to encourage, that is, to bolster the courage of those tempted by abortion—including their pastors. (PTS)  __________________________ Dear Karin: God’s grace and peace to you and yours. I...
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Burial of a Queen

    God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in...
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 Family Business: The Key to Achieving Global Prosperity

    In 2015 the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. These include ending poverty, empowering women, providing universal education, sustaining the environment, and several more. The 17th goal concerns partnerships: how...
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One in three female voters wants a party to win her vote on abortion

    A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows there is an opportunity for pro-life candidates to win over female voters. “Women voters overall say they trust both the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden more on abortion policy in this country, but trust...
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True and False Abortion History: It’s not true that abortion was unregulated in America before 1821

    This article originally appeared in The New Oxford Review, April 11, 2024, and is reprinted with permission. __________________________________________________________________ Much wailing and gnashing of teeth followed the Arizona Supreme Court’s recent upholding...
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Supreme Court to Hear Idaho Abortion Case

  The U.S. Supreme Court is set this month to hear arguments involving a pro-life law in Idaho that makes it a crime for medical professionals to perform abortions. The decision will likely play a role in the upcoming presidential and congressional races in November. In...
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“Stay with us”

    The season that extends for forty days from Easter Sunday to the feast of the Ascension celebrates the time when Jesus revealed his resurrection in many ways. The four gospels give us only a selection of our Lord’s appearances—just enough to illustrate their great...
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A Double NEWSworthy for your Friday! Kokx and Grondelski have two complementary pieces.

  Click to Read: An Abortion Puzzlement by John Grondelski (reprinted with permission from the New Oxford Review) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read Below: NEWSworthy: YouTube Spreads Abortion Pill...
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 “April Is the Cruellest Month”

    So, how’s your spring going? Chill, snow, nor’easter rain enough for Noah? Hope you don’t need to go to Baltimore, with the Key Bridge collapse adding to the usual disarray caused by high urban crime rates. Maybe you were among the 73 million AT&T customers whose...
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