Notes on Advent

  Four Sundays on the Church’s liturgical calendar are dedicated to prayerful expectation of God’s coming among us as a newborn child. We are full of joy as we prepare to celebrate his birth, an event that forever changed our world for the better. Those who are blessed to...
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The Spiritual Law of Gravity

  Catholics call the month of November the “month of holy souls.” It is our annual commemoration of the dead. The month begins with All Saints’ Day, which is our celebration of the citizens of Heaven. On the day after, All Souls Day, we remember all the dead, especially...
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Voters in five states choose to support abortion

  The midterm elections last week were disappointing for prolifers. In five states with ballot measures on abortion, voters chose the pro-abortion side each time. But, as William Murchison wrote in this space, “it’s essential that pro-life folk, after so much earnest effort...
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After Roe, legal abortions in the United States dropped 6 Percent

  Abortion bans enacted after the fall of Roe really did reduce the number of abortions in the United States—despite what pro-abortion advocates said. According to a new report summarized by the New York Times, “In the first two months after the Supreme Court overturned Roe...
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Bad Arguments

  Prolifers and pro-choicers occasionally attempt to fortify their arguments by invoking older moral disputes. Prolifers echo Vietnam-era anti-war protests when they call pro-choicers “baby killers.” Calling pro-choicers “eugenicists” insinuates a similarity to Nazis and...
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Against Sudden Death

  In the Great Litany one finds the following petition: “From lightning and tempest; from plague, pestilence, and famine; from battle and murder, and from sudden death, Good Lord deliver us.” Why is “sudden death” in this list? What is wrong with sudden death? Most people...
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Italy Returns to Political Normalcy

  “Fratelli d’Italia” (Brothers of Italy) is the first line of the Italian national anthem. It is also the name of what is now Italy’s principal political party, having emerged victorious in the September 25 parliamentary elections under the leadership of Giorgia Meloni....
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Reclaiming Motherhood

    Motherhood is denigrated in our culture, sometimes even within the church. This stifles our witness on behalf of the unborn and the women who are their mothers. Something similar could be said of the denigration and abdication of fatherhood. But that is for another...
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Biden supports federal funds for abortion

    President Joe Biden is all in on abortion access. After flip-flopping on his opposition to the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal funds from going toward abortions, Biden is now telling Americans that he supports a federal fund for women to take time off work...
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What the Defeat of ‘Fetal Personhood’ Means for the Battle Ahead 

One of the tragic errors by the Supreme Court in its 1973 decision Roe v. Wade was the holding that unborn children are not legal “persons” within the meaning of the Constitution. When the Court overruled Roe this summer in the Dobbs decision, they unfortunately left...
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