Appedix A: Envy in the Age of Social Media

More than fifty years before the term “social media influencer” was coined, Rene Girard identified the social role played by those whose attractiveness and authenticity inspired others to want to be like them. The advertising industry has always known of our mimetic desires....
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Real Deficiency

  Scenes that touch on abortion from a pro-life perspective are rare in mainstream Hollywood movies, and therefore worth acknowledging, even celebrating, when they appear. Recently I was watching Creed II, the (believe it or not) seventh sequel in the Rocky series. Like...
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Planned Parenthood to Spend $50 Million on Midterm Elections

  The midterm elections this fall will determine whether many states can implement further abortion restrictions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. A legislature made up of pro-life politicians could be the difference between life-saving laws and maintaining...
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Georgia Recognizes Preborn Babies’ Personhood with Tax Credits for Parents

  News this week suggests Georgia is keeping its pro-life statutes consistent. Abortion is illegal in the Peach State after a preborn baby’s heartbeat is detected, and last week the state’s department of revenue announced that it is recognizing these preborn babies (fetuses...
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Insurance that Would Benefit Us All

  My eldest son has moved from having a job into the world of having a career. At some point, we asked him about his benefits package, as he is fast approaching an age when he will need to provide his own insurance plan. He assured us that he has medical insurance with all...
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What Was the Vote About?

The proposal was an attempt to overturn a 2019 ruling by the Kansas Supreme Court, which held that the right to an abortion was “fundamental” under their state constitution. The amendment would have made clear that Kansas’ constitution doesn’t guarantee a right to abortion or...
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Vanity and the Gospel of Life

Abortion is the sacrament of those suffering the futility of self-deceit—a condition that tinges much of the world. Mothers and fathers vainly pretend they are not parents to the unborn child. Clinicians pretend they are delivering health by dealing death. The community pretends...
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Medical Students Walk Out of White Coat Ceremony to Protest Pro-life Speaker

  At the University of Michigan this week, dozens of medical students walked out of the school’s White Coat Ceremony, a formal occasion to mark the students’ move from preclinical studies to clinical practice. Those who walked out did so in protest of the keynote speaker, a...
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The End of Shame

  I was ashamed, and I was confounded, because I bore the disgrace of my youth (Jeremiah 31:19).   Recently, while reading Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, I came across this admonition, given by an old monk to a licentious and foolish father: “And above all do not be so...
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Misinformation about Abortion Law after Dobbs

[This piece is reprinted with permission from Edward Mechmann’s Public Policy Blog Stepping Out of the Boat  Original post date July 20, 2022] You can’t understand abortion law unless you understand abortion facts. And that is proving extremely difficult in a media and...
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