Victory Over Violence

  Long before anyone was recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month, activists and survivors had been fighting for justice. In fact, the first testimonies of sexual violence to be a part of a U.S. trial were from five black women who in 1866 survived the Memphis riots and...
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The Eclipse of God?

  Today the West lives as if God did not exist . . . This estrangement from God is not caused by reasoning but by a will to be detached from him. The atheistic orientation of a life is almost always a decision by the will. Man no longer wishes to reflect on his relationship to...
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Abortion Pills and the Supreme Court

    A version of the following was originally posted March 27, 2024, on the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.  _________________________________________________________________ The Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments...
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Prenatal Lives Count … At Least Sometimes

This article previously appeared in AMERICAN THINKER March 23, 2024, here ( ) and used with permission....
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Embryos, Injuries, and Damages

  This piece originally appeared in Catholic World Report February 24, 2024, and is reposted here with permission.   Falsehoods about the Alabama Supreme Court ruling involving in vitro fertilization (IVF) deserve refutation. We also need a close examination of the...
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Human from Womb to Tomb

    March 25 is the feast of the Annunciation, the annual celebration of the angel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to Jesus. Since March 25 falls in Holy Week this year, its celebration has been postponed to the second week of Easter....
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Who Cares about Britney Spears?

    [Marvin Olasky is the co-author (with Leah Savas) of The Story of Abortion in America: A Street Level History, 1652-2022. The following was first published on the Human Life Review’s website.] Why should pro-life people care about singer/sex symbol Britney Spears?...
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“Mere Natural Law” and the Anchoring Truths of Constitutional Order

  [Tom Shakely is Chief Engagement Officer at Americans United for Life. The following book review was published April 29, 2023, on the website of the American Conservative ( and is reprinted with Mr. Shakely’s permission.]...
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Forward Into the Culture of Death

  The March for Life never disappoints. No matter the state of the union, the status of legislation at the federal and state level, or the twisted rhetoric of Planned Parenthood and the mainstream media, there is no denying the joyful, dauntless witness of tens of thousands...
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Scarecrow and Tin Man

  After the successful overturn of the national abortion mandate known as Roe v. Wade, the next battle for prolifers is “winning hearts and minds.” The problem is when it comes to hearts and minds someone else got there first.  Or something. The unhinged behavior coming from...
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