The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Constitutional Chicanery

    A version of the following  was originally posted February 8, 2024, from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission. In the post-Dobbs legal environment, the battle over the fate of legal protections for unborn children...
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The Messianic Secret and Pro-Life Purpose

  Last year my pastoral role required me to take issue with one of our local pro-life organizations. Their leader had invited a notorious Catholic firebrand to speak, and I expressed my dissatisfaction with the choice. The leader retorted, “But he takes a strong pro-life...
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NEWSworthy: Pro-life Father Targeted by Justice Department Says He’s More Energized than Ever

    A pro-life father of 11 said the Department of Justice’s prosecution of him and fellow pro-lifers has energized him to fight even harder against abortion. A federal jury voted last week to convict Paul Vaughn and five others of violations of the Freedom of Access to...
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Death and AI and Resurrection

    A teenager was murdered in a mass shooting at his school in 2018. By 2020, his parents had founded a nonprofit which, among other things, produced a political commercial. The ad opens with an introduction by the parents. Then these words appear on the screen: “We...
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What’s really going on with abortion and the Supreme Court?

  Recent media headlines about the latest abortion cases could lead one to believe that state abortion laws require pregnant women to die in emergency rooms and that federal law requires “emergency abortions.” Both beliefs are wrong. These misleading headlines center on...
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Kamala Harris Suggests Abortion Bans to Blame for Maternal Mortality Rates

  Vice President Kamala Harris repeated a common pro-abortion talking point that laws against killing preborn babies are to blame for high maternal mortality rates. “The top ten states with the highest rates of maternal mortality all have abortion bans,” Harris said recently...
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For the Love of a Worm

    It has been almost thirty years since I met Derek, but I can still hear his mother’s words echoing in my mind. “This is Derek,” she said as her cherubic looking toddler looked up at me, “He’ll be trouble.” I wondered, in that moment, how a mother could choose to...
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Pope Francis Highlights Problems of Surrogacy in Calling for Global Ban

  Pope Francis recently made the news for his call for a global ban on “surrogate motherhood,” or the process of women selling their womb and carrying a baby for someone else. During a Jan. 8 speech to ambassadors, Pope Francis said, “The path to peace calls for respect for...
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Preach the Gospel, Heal the Church  

    Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 (RSV) Hundreds of thousands of abortions occur each year in the United States. Many of the women (and men) involved in these...
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Martin Luther King—In His Own Words

    In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, I thought I’d offer some quotes from his “Letter from the Birmingham Jail,” written from a prison cell to the clergy in 1963. Parts of the letter have become well known, such as King’s insistence that “Injustice...
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